BMW News

Three of the things all of us love doing most are driving our Mini Coopers on two wheels, doing donuts in our 2015 BMW M4s, and setting new world records. Imagine if we could do all three at once.

Or watch someone else do it. 

This video shows two drivers setting a new mark for the Guinness World Records by doing ten donuts in an M4 in one minute around a Mini Cooper being driven down a track on two wheels. Han Yue from China and Zhang Shengjun from Taiwan set the Guinness-recognized record while driving a Mini three-door hatch and a BMW M4 Coupe in Chongqing, China on November 14, 2014. 

It kind of makes us want to find someone to lend us an M4. And a Mini. And someone who can drive the Mini on two wheels.

Or we could just be satisfied to watch these people do it. Enjoy.—Scott Blazey

[Photos and video courtesy of Guinness World Records.]