We are a bunch of BMW guys and gals who enjoy these great vehicles. The purpose of BMW CCA is to enhance the BMW and MINI ownership experience. Our Chapter Mission is simple: Have Fun! Here are some of the ways club membership does so:
- Membership entitles you to a monthly copy of the world class magazine, Roundel. You can't buy it at any news stand or in any store. It's all about BMW, MINI, owners and events. Enthusiasts scour it from cover to cover. It also includes our quarterly Sierra Scene Newsletter which keeps you up to date on the Chapter's news and events.
- BMWCCA puts on numerous national, regional, and local events. Some of the more prominent ones are: Oktoberfest; Gateway Tech (technical seminar); Club Racing; Driver's Schools; and Car Control Clinics
- Chapter meetings occur monthly (strictly voluntary) to plan local events. The countryside we are blessed with here in the Sierra Nevada offers some spectacular driving scenery. Club Events include road trips to "Wine Country", around Lake Tahoe, and elsewhere are all on the shopping list of Sierra Chapter's activities. New friendships develop. Check out this year's activities on our Events Calendar.
- This chapter plans to emphasize driving events that will improve your skills behind the wheel, make you a safer driver, and be lots of fun in the process. These are for the entire family.... Everyone who is a licensed driver.
- Chapter Meetings are on the second Thursday of each month @ Bill Pearce BMW, 11555 S. Virginia in Reno. The meetings start @ 6PM, but feel free to show up early to talk cars or just drool over the new stuff in the showroom. After our meetings end (~7 PM) many of us head out to dinner at a local restaurant.
For more information contact Fred Watson @ (775) 354-1040, our Membership Chair, or anyone on About Us
Click here for the Club Events Calendar or visit our picture gallery or YouTube channel