Terms and Conditions of the BMW CCA Roadside Assistance Program

Please note: Roadside Assistance is no longer an option when joining or renewing your membership. Road America Motor Club will continue to provide service to members who had joined or renewed and included roadside assistance before we discontinued the option.
  • As a member you will not be required to pay any additional fee or sum in addition to the membership fee when your service is for a tow up to 25 miles or other covered service that does not exceed the benefit limit of $100.00 per occurrence.
  • Your membership continues until expiration, cancellation by yourself or non-payment.
  • All 24-hour roadside assistance services are provided by Road America with corporate offices at 7300 Corporate Center Drive, Miami, Florida 33126.
  • This is not an automobile liability insurance contract.
  • This is not an automobile physical damage insurance contract.
  • Service obtained from any source other than Road America is not covered and is not reimbursable without first contacting Road America to obtain a POC claim # prior to contracting an out-of-network towing provider.
  • 24-Hour Roadside Assistance : You will be provided a toll-free phone number to access your 24-hour emergency roadside benefits. IMPORTANT: Please be with your vehicle when the service provider arrives, as they cannot service an unattended vehicle. NOTE: Only one (1) service per seven-days and only (1) service per disablement.
    • Towing – Provided for up to 25 miles at no charge to member. Additional mileage is the responsibility of the member and will be negotiated prior to sending out service. Includes vehicle extrication and winching.
    • Emergency Road Service – Any available contracted road service that is needed to get your vehicle running (i.e. hose replacement or tightening of cables or belts etc.).
    • Essential Fluids or Supplies Delivery – Including gasoline, water, oil, or any supplies necessary to send a member's car on its way. Member is responsible for actual cost of fluid or supplies requested.
    • Flat Tire Changes– For help with changing a flat tire with your good spare.
    • Emergency Battery Service – Includes tightening or cleaning of cables, jumpstarts, minor adjustments to alternator, etc.
    • Lockout Services – For help with lost keys, broken keys, or accidental lock-out of your vehicle. Includes locksmith assistance.

Coverage: Coverage is extended to all private passenger vehicles in the household. Vehicle VIN must be entered into the Member's Garage in the account management portion of the BMW CCA website.

The following items are not included as part of the emergency roadside assistance benefit: Cost of parts, replacement keys, fluids, lubricants, or fuel, cost of installation of products, material and additional labor related to towing. Disconnecting or reconnecting drive shaft. Non-emergency towing or other non-emergency service. Trucks over one-ton capacity, taxicabs, limousines or other commercial vehicles. Towing from a service station, garage or repair shop. Towing by other than a licensed service station or garage; vehicle storage charges; a second tow. Service on a vehicle that is not in a safe condition to be towed. Towing or service on roads not regularly maintained, such as sand beaches, open fields, forests and areas designated as not passable due to construction, etc. Mounting or removing of snow tires or chains. Towing at the direction of a law enforcement officer relating to traffic obstruction, impoundment, abandonment, illegal parking, or other violations of law. Repeated service calls for a covered vehicle in need of routine maintenance or repair.

In the event of damage due to fire, flood or vandalism: Cost related to physical damage due to fire, flood, or vandalism are normally covered under your vehicle insurance. Road America will assist you when you call our toll-free number, but you will have to pay for these services and submit your bill to your insurance company or agent as a part of the insurance claim.

Reimbursement for Covered Services: Reimbursement is provided when a covered individual contracts service on their own from a licensed service provider in the business of providing such services. In the event you should contract service on your own for any covered service and pay for the service out-of-pocket you may submit your original receipted roadside expenses for reimbursement consideration to Road America. To obtain reimbursement claim forms you may call toll-free 1-800-338-2680 or send your request in writing to Road America at 7300 Corporate Center Drive, Miami, Florida 33126. Maximum reimbursement for services not obtained through our network is limited to fifty dollars ($50).

Note: Members must call their toll-free roadside assistance phone number and receive a POC claim number prior to contracting an out-of-network provider.


The BMW CCA Roadside Assistance Program utilizes the Road America network of contracted service providers. Road America operates through a network of contracted service providers who have arrangements with our dispatch to perform road and towing service for BMW CCA Roadside Assistance Program. As independent contractors, they have exclusive control over their own equipment and personnel. Road America and/or BMW CCA are not responsible for their acts or omissions.

Cancellation policy: Should you wish to cancel your membership, you will be refunded any remaining prorated months, less the costs of any services you utilized up to the cancellation date. It is important that you return or destroy all membership cards. If you use any of the services after the cancellation date you will be responsible and billed for any costs incurred.