Here is an email that was sent to me, "It was a pleasure meeting with you to discuss employment with our company. Even though I was truly impressed with your education and background, I regret that I cannot hire you. If another opportunity should arise soon, I will call you. Best regards". I just realized that this thread is at 19 pages and counting. How many pages does it take to get a job
Truly sorry to hear you didn't get it. That reply reads to me like, "I'd love to have you work for me without paying you a fair salary in return." Cheapskates.
Fudge! I got few letters like that in the past few months. It is frustrating. Fortunately I've made my landing in a new job. Not really BMW country here in Cheyenne, WY...but the roads are wide open.... Here's to your next job opportunity. May it come soon and prove fruitful.
That is how it is in these days. I am still in touch with my ex co-workers and they haven't recieved a pay increase in about two years and they are doing my old duties. They are so far behind........ Thanks for the encouragement and glad that you are back on your feet.
Still out of work??? Holy CROW...!! I remember responding to this thread while sitting in an March...of *2009*... Really sorry dude...
I should ask right here if the CCA is hiring for any position. I could wash employee cars, vacuum, whatever it takes to get my foot in the door
Here's one -- the real industry definition of the term "competitive salary" "We pay lower than anyone else in the industry. In fact, we'd love to pay you even less than what we do, but the federal government won't let us."
What's a JOB! I have been lingering in Georgia for a year and then some myself. Last year I thought I was working into a position with a nearby architectural firm but I had to come to the relization that I had an exclusive contract to work for a firm that had no work for me. My wife has a way of keeping me busy though. I am currently a house husband, again. In 2003 I returned to college and got my degree in architecture. Something I had always wanted to be. I haven't really seen work since. Keep smiling though. Looks like we will be sending even bigger idiots to Washington this year. News TV will be getting even better than it has been this year.
If she IS a witch... ............I hope she rides that flying broom straight to the top! Can't be worse than the current batch of bickering morons (and I count BOTH political parties in that esteemed group) that we're paying $173,000 to $238,000 a year (multiplied times 535) for.
The Recession is over...lolz CNN reported this morning that a "group of &%^*(^*(%%^(" said that the recession ended around June of 2009 and that the economy has improved since. Try telling that to me and everyone else who has been layed off since this messed started almost three years ago StoneZ, glad that you went back to school and got your degree. Also, good job for your wife supporting you. My wife has been at my side since day one. As for my BS in Finance, it feels that its as good as a GED now
Every last person in that private "think tank" needs to be fired... ...........then have them tell us that the recession is over. I'll believe it when that happens.
You couldn't do worse than the group of numbskulls that are running things now, even if you sent an entire circus to DC. In what kind of drug-induced stupor do you have to be in to state that "the recession is over and the stimulus worked"? OHHHH REALLY??? Geez ALOOOO!!
I've heard "the only reason communism hasn't worked..." " that the 'right people' haven't been in charge." Interesting. Communism ruled the former Soviet Union for 74 years, and it's hardly a glowing example of Communism at its best (unless you count Chernobyl -- sorry, bad pun). North Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba haven't exactly been runaway successes with communism either. China is these days more of a communist/capitalism hybrid these days - it's not exactly the definitive example of communism either. .