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Got laid off

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Autohaus, Jan 31, 2009.

    ForcedInduction guest

    Post Count: 358
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    I haven't seen any politician in DC lose their platinum lifestyle, home, life savings, career, etc. as a result of the economic meltdown that they all had a hand in. I don't see any of them hungry and homeless either...

    I do however see millions of innocent people who suffer as a result of the financial greed and incompetence of a few. :(

    Autohaus guest

    Post Count: 1,571
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    Repubs are crying because they wanted the $33.9 billion estimated payment for the unemployed to be taken out of last years stimulus package, however, the dems see this as a emergency that should be added to the national debt as it has in the past and not taken out of the stimulus money. If you are following, the house is supposed to vote today and then the president will sign it into law ASAP. The Pubs are arguing that our grandchildren will be paying for this but what about the children of today who are starving?
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    Nope; the grandchildren can't pay for it if today's children die of starvation. Without today's children, there will be no grandchildren, simple as that.

    I know, a little extreme, but that is a possibility for some families.
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    Aren't people really just the whole problem, all around? If we had a good hit from an asteroid that would kill off 95% or more of life on earth, then the ecology could re-balance (sure, life might just consist of some minor insects or aquatic bacteria, but hey...) and there wouldn't be any more man-made pollution, disasters, etc., or darn pesky consumption of those natural resources for survival of humankind. The concept of an economy, survival, even... (heaven forbid!) politics... would be moot!
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    ... then there wouldn't be a possibility of me haz'ing E36 M3. :(

    ForcedInduction guest

    Post Count: 358
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    Some people, yes. ;)
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    Post Count: 548
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    Things get really sticky when you try to reach consensus on who gets to choose. ;)

    ForcedInduction guest

    Post Count: 358
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    I think we can resolve the issue quickly by giving each person a gun and six bullets. :D
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    Post Count: 3,269
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    I think I'll need a helluva lot more than that... [IMG]

    Autohaus guest

    Post Count: 1,571
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    Can I haz


    Autohaus guest

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    I even applied to numerous BMW dealerships around the tri state area, some as far as an hour drive from my house. The only open positions where for car lot attendants, car washing and shuttle drivers, etc... I sent emails to the hiring managers to "consider my resume and to not view me as being overqualified but as someone who is eager to work for BMW". Guess what? No replies.

    Anywho, yesterday I took the family to Sandy Hook in NJ. On the way while driving on the GSP (Garden State Parkway), we passed by BMW headquarters. My wife told me that I should put on my best suit and walk in and sell myself. I then mentioned that I should just pull up in the e28 and one BMW executive will say, "Hey, that man knows what BMW is all about! Look at how he looks. He must know alot of the BMW brand both old and new. He is hired"!

    Nice to dream a little :)

    ForcedInduction guest

    Post Count: 358
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    Unfortunately BMW NA would rate you as over-qualified and a "threat" so you wouldn't get the job... :(
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    Post Count: 23
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    Good evening Autohaus. I have a good contact at a nice Coldwell Banker office not too far from you, i.e. less than an hour's drive I believe. Just a thought, I know they will help you if they can. Coldwell Banker also has a huge mortgage arm(pardon the pun, real estate finance humor), and with the amazingly low interest rates now, they may need more mortgage consultants as well, and you may be a good fit considering your accounting/finance background. CB also offers excellent training, although many positions do require a state license, but it may not take very long to get that handled. Just a thought. Mortgage consultants can make big bucks, even just handling refi's, quite a bit of that happening right now. Commission positions can be good if they pay well and are with an ethical firm that actually values their team members like Coldwell Banker.


    Autohaus guest

    Post Count: 1,571
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    Thank you for helping out. Sales and myself don't mix well. I tried selling years ago and it didn't even pan out. My first (and only) pay check was $111.15 and that was for two weeks! Even though I haven't taken the Series 7, etc... it would look good on my resume. However, like I said I couldn't sell and pressure people to do something drastic. Quick story:

    When I had the 99 528i sport I inquired about a extended warranty from a 3rd party company. The guy wouldn't let me off the phone as I had to hang up on him. He kept pressuring me to buy the warranty w/o him faxing over exactly what was covered and not covered. Some of these places won't cover "complete tear down and locating the problem" and/or gaskets, seals, fluids, etc... Even the commercial for this warranty compay stated no pressure and we'll mail or fax you the contract before you sign.

    Another story :)

    About a few months ago I heard my dogs barking like crazy. Turns out it was Kirby vacuum sales on the porch. They insisted that they wanted to come inside and see if any carpet I had (I only have a runner on the stairs) needed a shampoo and this and that, blah blah blah. I was about to ask them if they would let me (a stranger) in their home but instead I fired back with this:

    Me: You see that car in the driveway? (I pointed to the E39)
    Shark: Yes
    Me: Its for sale and I have a deal for you.
    Shark: (About to speak but I cut him off).
    Me: I'll let you come in my house and you can sell me your $2500 vacuum if you give me $12500 cash on the spot and we'll have a deal.
    Shark: :confused:

    That is a way to get rid of a salesperson. Flip it on them. I'm bad I know.

    Again Richard, I applaud you for doing research on my behalf. Sorry that I began a rant but when it comes to sales I worry that I won't be good enough like I was at my last sales gig and I would be let go. However, out of respect I will do some research on Coldwell Banker and the mortgage industry about the pay plan, what type of training is involved and requirements. 100% leads would raise my eyebrows, though :D
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    Post Count: 23
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    My pleasure,

    Those that you mentioned are a different kind of gig. This is about taking care of clients, not pressuring them. I love what I do, I do not pressure people to do anything, but when they do want to buy property or sell property I am legally bound as their fiduciary to put their interests way above mine, very different than selling vaccum cleaners, etc. This really is about customer service, Coldwell Banker, founded approximately 95 years ago is a J.D. Power award winning company for customer service. I've been doing this for almost 16years, and have made so many friends, that began as clients, that's when you know you have done a good job, my business is about 75% referrals from satisfied clients. As a mortgage consultant for CBHL, you would not be knocking on doors or doing a lot of cold calling, if any, that would be up to you, but it's not that kind of position.

    Best of luck to you Autohaus, the offer is an open one. And I am just talking about a possible meeting, offering an actual position is not in my power, wish I could hire you though, I think you would be a great fit for CB.


    Autohaus guest

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    Got a job interview for tomorrow morning at 10:30 about 6 miles away. Wish me luck.
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    Post Count: 1,583
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    All the best!!!! Comb your hair, brush your teeth, no cologne, extra copies of your resume, and show up early, but not TOO early!!! :D
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    Post Count: 93
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    ...and be nice to the receptionist! Remember, they are watching you from the moment you pull into the parking lot!

    Autohaus guest

    Post Count: 1,571
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    I have had my head shaved since last summer :D and I showed up around 10:15.

    I think the boss watched me as I pulled in. I was in the e46.

    I had to take a 20 minute "personal assessment" test and I spoke to the boss after that. We shall see what happenz.
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

    Post Count: 2,188
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    The job interview

    YOU GO, GUY! My fingers are crossed. Typing is hell that way! :D

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