Wet Paint Glaze Don: Do your wheels also.the brake DUST will come off with a swifter duster use the 360 degree type. Bluewagon PS my car is on Wet Paint's Gallery
Wet Paint Do you guys still swear by this stuff? I might order some today. How dirty can the car be while using this stuff, or should you wash the car first before using it? Also will washing the car remove the wet paint? Do you guys use terry cloth or microfibers?
I have done it both ways but find the clean car provides a better finish. It only took me <20 minutes to do the whole car. I use Microfiber towels for the application and removal.
JTT, Still think it's great stuff. Yes, the microfiber towels do the best job. It'll work well on a moderately dusty car, but the absolute best finish comes up when it's applied to a pretty clean car. Water continues to bead after washing, but I generally re-apply about every ten days. The finish is, indeed, 'wet'-looking. Don
Nice Apprciate the response guys. I will order mine tomorrow. What car wash soap do you guys suggest I use before applying the Wet Paint? Also, will the car soap reemove the wet paint? Thanks again.