Well, I've tried just about every kind of wax on the planet, and I'll try just about anything new that comes along just for kicks but Wet Paint Glaze is something like I've never used before. I happened onto this product, suprisingly enough, on a Porsche forum. The pictures of the car in the post were beautiful and the owner stated that he rarely washed the car! He claimed to have used WPG all through the cars' life mostly because he lived in a very water waste sensitive area (I believe it was Phoenix). OK, sigh me up. I contacted the WPG people and within 5 days I was looking at the product. Being a confirmed Griot's Garage fan I was skeptical as heck of a product that washed and waxed your car when it was dirty. No way I was going to try that stuff on my beloved 330ci so I elected to try it out on my wife's Victory Red Chevy Tahoe. It had been washed about a week prior and had set outside in the weather so it was a prime candidate to try the WPG on. Chevy's around my house are expendable,so on with the test. The Tahoe gets clayed every year so the paint was smooth to start out with. I picked an inconspicious area (lower quarter panel, right behind the rear wheel) and, following the directions, applied the WPG and rubbed the product in and buffed the stuff off and, viola, the paint shined like new!!! got brave, did the whole quarter panel - hey this stuff is nice! Did the whole car - wow! this Victory Red paint has pop! OK,washing a car the size of the state of Texas isn't much fun so all of a sudden the Tahoe has become the poster child for WPG in this family. The car actually looks good! Ah, but I'll never use that stuff on the BMW; I dearly love that car so it'll always get Griot's carnauba wax - no question about that!!! Then came the day that I wanted to go somewhere in the Bimmer and it was all covered in dust from just sitting the garage - loooked pretty crappy actually - oh no, all out of Griots speed shine! Well, let's see, here's that WPG - what have I got to loose! A fast wipe down with that stuff and holy cow! this thing shines like crazy!!! Started getting comments on how good the car looked and before I knew it I was going in on a case of the stuff with the guys at work! Use it on everything now. Around here the cars are: a MazdaSpeed 3, a Mazda Miata, the Tahoe (a new one, in Black) and the 330ci. If the cars just have a light coating of dust or road film, I use the WPG to clean the car and be done with it. If they are truly dirty, they get washed, detailed inside and out and then WPG'd. Natutally, they all get clayed and polished yearly if needed. I know what you are thinking - I'm insane using a waterless wax on my cars, but the stuff works so well I can't go back to my detailing concentration camp ways. There's has been no more scratching of the paint than was happening with wash buckets and chamois - the Griot's polisher takes care of them just like it always did. I recently traded the Tahoe in on a new one and got a little extra $$$ just because the paint looked so nice - the appraiser couldn't believe it was 6 year old paint and had such a nice shine! So, if you are like I am - a time challenged person who still likes his car to look good and would rather detail a car than play golf (but the time just isn't there), this is a product you might like to try out. Even if you don't like it you can use it around the house on windows, marble or granite counter tops - any non porous surface really shines when treated with the WPG. Well, gotta go - try www.wetpaintglaze.com !!! Cheers! 327350
I do like my Griot's polisher it is the best I have used, and did you know it has a lifetime warranty?
Oh, yeah, I've used Griots garage products for aroung ten years!!! I have several tools that I have bought from him and they all live up to his claims. I bought his topside oil sucker about ten years ago and after it was 5 years old, the handle broke - not a big deal, I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a wooden ball, drilled it, threaded it and, viola, fixed. I was calling in an order not long ago and mentioned that I had to repair the topside oiler. The GG rep told me to send the whole thing back and I'd get a new one for free- no questions asked, just send it in and they'd replace it and pay the shipping to boot. I told him it was OK, I had taken care of it - but the GG rep was adamant - send it in; any problems, any time, no questions asked, free replacement guaranteed on any ot Griot's products. One rarely finds that kind of commitment from vendors nowadays. The neat thing about Griot's detailing products is that they are idiot proof. I am an idiot and I have used his products to detail and polish my cars and they look like they've been to a professional shop! I mean I'm the type of guy that has no business being aroung a paint polisher yet when I use Griot's products there is never a disappointment. The fact that he is a BMWCCA member helps too. Great guy and great company. Cheers!
I think he owns an M3, right? I did not know he was a CCA member.... glad to hear that. his products are a bit expensive, but knowing they have that kind of support makes it worth it.
I think Richard Griot is a BMWCCA member.... He's got tons of cars, many of them BMW's and he was recently featured in Roundel magazine in an article about car detailing. Naturally, he prefers GG products......maybe somebody from the Puget Sound chapter can chime in on this - I believe his business and home are located in area. Cheers all!
I've got about a zillion dollars of his stuff in my detailing cabinet in the garage. Never had anything but great luck with them. For those who can't wax and detail their cars as often as we would like, I started using their one-step paint sealant. Really good stuff and has lasted a long time.
Yes, he has a warehouse in Tacoma, WA But he ships most products out of a warehouse somewhere in the midwest I believe. I have his catalog in the mail every so often but have never used much of his stuff. He DOES pretty much have everything you would ever want or need in detailing, including some pretty nifty tools from Facom, etc.. His products are higher than most similar things, but maybe this falls under the "you get what you pay for" rule ? DanF
Griot's Undercarriage Spray http://www.griotsgarage.com/product/car+care/wheels+%26+tires/wheel+tire+cleaners/undercarriage+spray%2C+35+ounces.do?search=basic&keyword=under+carriage&sortby=newArrivals&page=1 I just did the undercarriage of my z4M last weekend, and it works wonders to condition the metal and rubber underneath. looks new and clean
Dri-Wash claims to have been on the market since 1991. WPG started manufacturing/selling in 1988. Not sure either could be called a knock-off of the other, though.
I use Griot's Garage and his stuff is the best I've ever used. Just as good as Zymol at nothing near the price. He ships out of Indianapolis. I just got an order this week.
Has anyone else used this Wet Paint product? I'm interested in trying it out as access to a hose is pretty hard to get to with the driveway always blocked with three or so cars... (I park on the street )
I was a bit skeptical about Wet Paint but decided to give it a try. I also use Girots products exclusively and have a huge box full of his products in the garage. Wet Paint worked great on my Z4. It will not replace the every other month waxing with Girots but does a great job in between. I even did my riding lawn mower that was filthy and it removed the dust and dirt in about 10 minutes. I now have the shiniest mower in the neighborhood.
Does it do exactly the same thing as washing the car or does it also protect a little as well (to a certain degree)?
Wet Paint Glaze I was a Griots user for many years. Florida has had an ongoing drought for years and washing your car has been restricted in many places . So i started looking for somthing that i could use. I found http://www.wetpaintglaze.com/ .My Car has not been washed since march. It can be used on glass, on your wheels. brake dust will not stick to your wheels as long as they remain dry. My car is now in wet paint's gallery Bluewagon
Griots is about a fifteen minute drive from my home, he is in Fifle WA. just north of Tacoma. That said he is moving the showroom/Garage to the Tacoma area as he recently purchased a building there. I believe he is gaining space and will no longer be renting. It is true that he ships out of Indiana, however he has dealers all over.
I'll be making a call to Griot's shortly I will be using his engine cleaner from now on! I used to use Simple Green to wash my engine because it worked so well and the plastic parts really looked fresh after a wash with that stuff. However, I started to notice that I had a white powder type corrosion on all the aluminum in the engine compartment. I couldn't figure it out and then, on another detailing forum, I heard that Simple Green, when not properly thinned with water will indeed corrode aluminum. I don't really know if it's true, but my engine has corrosion all over it. So Griot's, here I come! I feel confident that anything he sells won't hurt your car so I'm going to give his engine cleaner a try. Every time I look at my engine and see all that white powder on everything aluminum it just makes me sick. After I try it out I'll get back here and post how well it worked. Cheers!
I currently own so many high-zoot cleaning and protection products I could start my own store! Just received my Wet Paint Glaze kit on Thursday, and promptly 'did' the 5-car, windows and all. This stuff is THE finest product I've ever used. Incredible gloss, ingenious pump-up applicator, and simple/foolproof. A better dollar-value than Meguiar's liquid detailer. Really glad I found Wet-Paint Glaze (through this forum) ! Don