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Membership Fees Raised, Your Opinion??

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by verde2002, Oct 16, 2009.

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    I wouldn't mind so much if it was n't accompanied with cost cutting measures that do not serve the membership. I was OK with Roundel switching to lower quality paper, I throw them out after reading anyway, but the loss of local chapter newsletters is a definite dis-benefit. A semi-annual compendium of bits from all the chapters isn't going to have anywhere near the appeal of our NCC "Debbie" to me.
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    For some members, their"local" chapters aren't all that local or easy for them to get together with. A local newsletter gives them a connection that will disappear with a national mish-mosh newsletter.
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    I enjoy reading Roundel. If that was the only benefit of being a club member I would be happy. Many of the other good specialty auto mags are going for $8-$10 an issue. That would be close to $100 a year just for Roundel. I think it is a good value at the current rate even though it has increased.
    Ken.S.330 and steven s like this.
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    Anyone know when was the last time the Club published an annual financial statement? I've checked the bylaw and ops manual for guidelines as to when it should be published in Roundel. I suppose I could check each issue from last year to find it. There is no link to it on the Club web page and yet all these changes are based on loss of income and increased expenses. Let's see where all the money goes, especially if the Chapter portion of your dues is being cut. Thanks for any assistance.

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