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Z3 brakes

Discussion in 'E36/7 Z3 (1996-2002)' started by keg233, Nov 28, 2009.

    keg233 guest

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    I attempted tightening my parking brake today, and ran into a problem. Using the bentley manual for my Z3, I loosened the nuts on the brake cable under the bake handle, then removed one lug nut from each rear wheel, and jacked the car up. The manual instructed me to use a flathead screwdriver to adjust a screw through the hole for the lug nut I removed, turning clockwise to tighten. I a got through all of that just fine until it cam time to tighten that last screw. I turned it maybe 3/4 of a single turn and it fell out. So I removed the brake caliper and tried to remove the drum to reach the screw, but even after removing the rotor tightening screw (which didn't seem long enough to do anything) the rotor and drum wont even budge. My only thought is that it might be rusted to the axel and would need to be broken off, but I really don't wont to go banging on my brake rotor. Oh and this is the driver side if it makes any difference.

    Any thoughts on how to resolve this?
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    brass hammer, it deforms so your rotor doesn't ;) if you have a heavy rubber mallet that could work too

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