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X1 Mountain Goat?

Discussion in 'E84 X1 (2013)' started by mrsbee, Feb 7, 2013.

    mrsbee guest

    Post Count: 511
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    At first I was a little offended by this writer comparing a pretty remarkable machine to a bearded, ill-tempered animal of sorts, but like usual I got over it.

    Remind me to stay as far away from animal comparisons as possible in the future. Although, I must admire this writer for using the words awesome, hobo and shady guy all in the same article.

    The article is worth a read in my opinion, and although I'm not a SAV (or whatever you want to call this thing) fan, it made me think about it, for a millisecond that is.
    Mountain Goats Are Animals Not Cars
    • Member


    Post Count: 409
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    He called it a "twin-turbo" and used stock BMW photos. This guy's a journalist? Oh yeah, it's the Internet.
    Probably never happened.
    MrsBee likes this.

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