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Wow! have parts gone up!!!!

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by 327350, Sep 9, 2009.

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    Post Count: 75
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    Be- boped over to BMW Houston North to get a few small parts and a quote on brakes all the way around for my '02 330ci. Whoooeee!!!!! Four discs, pads and 4 guide pins kits came to $678 with the BMWCCA discount !!!! My God, how can people afford to have their cars fixed anymore?

    I went to www.autohausarizona.com and got basically the same parts for $443. Free shipping. Gotta learn to take it easy on the 'ol girl - it costs serious money to drive her fast!
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    i have found that Tischer BMW has the best prices on parts. CCA discount amounts to 20% of retail and their customer service is top notch as well. check out their website: getbmwparts.com
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    John in VA

    Post Count: 624
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    Autohausaz and Tischer are both good choice, but yes - BMW recently raised prices.
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    Post Count: 75
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    I didn't even stop to think of the online BMW dealers.

    I prefer to keep my Bimmer up with all BMW parts, but as I said, that's getting hard to do. Somehow, I totally forgot about Tischer parts and several others that advertise in Roundel. I will definitely check their prices and compare to autohausaz. With autohausaz having free shipping, they'll be hard to beat. Thanks for the advice!


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