I am looking to buy a 1999 M3 from Virginia, and live in San Diego, California. Will this car have any troubles passing California smog? I've heard some cars are not California certified when built, and some cars are. Thanks, cjfransway
It should I think the crossover to "50 state emissions" was before that. Ask the buyer to look at the emissions tag under the hood. It's usually on the firewall or up at the radiator support. It will say there. This is also what the DMV inspects to see if your car can be registered in CA. You will also need a smog test from within 30 days of the date you register. There will be a brief visual to make sure that car is "stockish". These folks aren't experts though.... If you have a friend that has a similar car, look around under the hood to see where the emissions sticker is. Then you can have the seller take a digital photo for you to make sure. Matt
BMWs are 50-state legal. Check for the certification label on the hood or in engine compartment. Of course the condition of the car and all its emission control parts may vary on a 1999 model.
Great! Thanks for the response and helpful information. The car is in fact California certified as shown by the emissions sticker under the hood.