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Where's a switched power source in the mirror assembly?

Discussion in 'E85 Z4 (2002-2008)' started by Satch, Feb 19, 2012.

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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    . . . or anywhere, for that matter! I'd like to hardwire the Valentine One, but the map/interior mirrors work on a dimmer that the Valentine doesn't like. The cigar lighter is a pure source of 12V, but of course it's not switched. Anybody? Mr. Beuller?
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    steven s

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    If you dig enough through the wiring diagrams hopefully you'll find one; interface is a little funky, you have to use zoom and arrow buttons vs. scroll bars that might typically popup when zooming in.


    Bentley Manual typically shows some wiring diagrams, although I don't know if it's comprehensive. Is any power routed across the top of the windshield, rear-view mirror, or visors?
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Yes, of course; that's where the map lights and interior lights are! However, those are not switched (plus they use fade-out circuitry that is not Valentine-compatible).

    Remember when switches came with an ACCESSORY terminal?
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    Try #27
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Like, #27 in the fuse block? What about the wires that are already in the mirror assembly?
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    Satch, I have my RD hard wired into the fuse block and it is switched. I had to use an add-a-fuse.

    It took about 15 minutes to run the wire down to the fuse block, because I had to remove the cup holder...

    herbstz4m guest

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    I tapped into the purple wire for my RD. Added a fuse there (escort hard-wire) and grounded it. Turns on after key #2

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