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Discussion in 'Detailing' started by Touring525i4dawgs, Mar 4, 2012.

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    Chris, you musta been late to bluewagon's party - by now he's suggested trying the product(s) so many times that it's surprising blue hasn't just made his forum signature the website link and a product promo (hint, hint, bluewagon, you'll save yourself a lot of typing!).

    Bluewagon gets kudos for consistency though - if we had a product advocacy award for forum members, I think he'd get it. I don't have any insight on Wet Paint as a product, haven't tried it. Since you asked though, I'm confident bluewagon can give you the full scoop so you can decide for yourself.

    I'm not entirely convinced bluewagon isn't Ron Popeil's older brother, or, possibly, mightn't have had something to do with an old Alka-Seltzer ad campaign... "Try It! You'll Like It!" :p

    (see ad clip @ 1:16 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHbeQP52D5g)
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    Yes Chris, it is that good. Give it a try. Did you read about the product on the website?? Watch the vidio??
    let me know how you like Wet Paint after you try it .
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    MGarrison-------- I am Mikey. Not Ron's brother.
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    Is Cereal a new type of wheel??? I heard you can clean them with milk.

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