minor grammar error - mine says "Your most active in the feedback forum...." it should be "You're", yes?
Good catch. A couple others caught that (and it's on the fix list but we've got some other things ahead of it, even though grammar glitches make me cringe) ... but did you know there are two grammar errors not one? Find the other one: >>> Welcome back, Bill Howard! Your most active in the BMW CCA News Forum with 25 Posts. You have 85 total forum posts (14.68% of our forums total posts). Don't forget to read the rules.
Hmm... the first "Posts" shouldn't be capitalized; "forums total posts" - perhaps forums should have an apostrophe, as a plural possessive, i.e. forums' ? Oh ya - was thinking perhaps consider a "Hey Mike!" sub-forum under Tech-Talk, (if he likes the idea) for inquiries specifically directed to Mike Miller (with the proviso that there's no guarantee of a response from Mike). The old forums seemed to have many messages asking directly for Mike's input, many of which got a reply. I suppose a downside would be lots of useful model-specific info wouldn't be under the appropriate model or tech forum, but considering Mike probably doesn't have time to troll every forum post, perhaps it would improve one's chance of a reply. I would suggest consider making that a 'CCA members-only forum - insulate Mike a bit, and provide an incentive for joining the club. Membership _does_ have it's benefits, don'tcha know! Now, where did I leave my Members Only jacket...
Right you are, you cunning linguist. "Forums" should be plural possessive: the total posts of the multiple forums -- forums' total posts. As we build our cadre of tech gurus online, our goal is to have threads open to all except the penultimate post by the tech guru, and for that you've got to be a CCA member. We're trying to balance openness - watchword of the Web - vs. rewards for belonging, such as the awesome (I think) electronic edition of Roundel online. Which, as we build out the archive, you can search across issues. There's a sample issue anyone can see, and the other issues CCA'ers can see. Love the solarized and colorized car image.
Thanks - we had the foggiest morning _ever_ at Mid-Ohio a few years ago, just had to get that pic of my car from the photographer shooting the school that day. Just applied a couple of effects in Paint Shop Pro, turned out cool, I like it too! Good job w/ the site and forums, btw - searchable online Roundel is very cool, I used to get the pcmags on cdrom way back when until that ended. Of course now, you can dig up most anything online unless it's really obscure.
If you recall the PC Magazine CD ROMs, you're dating yourself. Thye've been gone at least a decade (too lazy to pull my back issues out of the file cabinet). PC Mag and a lot of other pubs now have online electronic versions that are gorgeous replicas of the printed mag. PCM uses Zinio. I get all the auto mags that way, too. For ten bucks a year I can read it on planes and then I have a perpetual backup even when I toss my back issues. Tip: If you want electronic mags, it's cheaper to get them via the print publisher than via the electronic publisher. A lot are ten bucks a year, which I consider a rounding error in all the money I fritter away.
FYI, I still intermittently get the following "Welcome back" message: "Welcome back Brian A. Our records indicate that you haven't posted here in a few weeks. We miss you. Why not take this opportunity to check in and post a question, comment, or just engage in a conversation? Or check out our Gallery or Product Reviews and leave a comment. We really value your input and look forward to seeing your post." The issue is that I have posted more recently than a "few weeks" so the site is picking up my ID but not my stats. Good news is that the grammer looks more good (at least to my looking).