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Watkins Glen Opening Day w/an X5?

Discussion in 'E70 X5 (2007-2013)' started by daleclough, Apr 11, 2014.

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    Post Count: 11
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    Am I cool, crazy or just nuts for considering tagging along with the local BMW CCA group this Sunday at Watkins Glen's opening day?

    3 laps behind a pace car for $25 (to charity)...

    Last time I did this I was driving a MINI Cooper S with a couple of mods. X5 is all stock, 6-cyl, nothing special.

    I expect speeds near 80 on the front and rear straights but more cautious elsewhere from the pace car.

    Oh, anyone near Buffalo/Rochester/Syracuse want to play along? Here's the link:

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    Sounds fine to me - you may want to doublecheck if there are any constraints on vehicles for the charity laps, although my guess would be they typically keep things dialed down for safety & control.
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    It's a BMW it will do just fine.
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    steven s

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    Usually there will be more than 1 pace car to prevent people from falling back and flooring it.
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    Post Count: 11
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    Thanks everyone!

    I gave the X a wash & wipe, new air freshener and the GoPro's are charged up.

    I'm not concerned after a little spirited driving in today's beautiful spring weather.

    I'll post videos after the event.

    Ken.S.330 likes this.

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