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wanna design some custom decals for my 2013 x1.. need part dimensions

Discussion in 'E84 X1 (2013)' started by hemanth.s15, Feb 20, 2017.

    hemanth.s15 guest

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    I'd like to add some custom decals to the front (around the headlamps and the kidney grille to be specific) of my X1. Need some exact dimensions to share it with a custom decal printer. Any help is dearly appreciated.. Thanks in advance.
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    If the decal printer is local to you, I'd have to think your best bet would be to have them take measurements right off yours. Sometimes realoem.com lists parts dimensions in mm, but I don't know that I'd bank on that for absolute accuracy either. Maybe you could use tracing paper & scotch magic tape (keep an edge taped over for removal) and mark where you need to measure, lay the paper flat, and measure the marks.
    hemanth.s15 likes this.

    hemanth.s15 guest

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    sounds like a smart idea Mr Garrison.
    Thanks for your response..
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    String might work too - didn't think of that one earlier! ;)

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