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Vintage at the Vineyards '09

Discussion in 'Concours & Show/Shine' started by ScottNC, Oct 20, 2008.

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    May 22-24, 2009, North Carolina

    This is not a q-tip concours show&shine, but a fun gathering welcoming to all vintage BMW owners.

    Expecting 250+ vintage BMWs this year.:D

    Autohaus guest

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    Is the E28 considered "vintage"? Probably not :(
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    Yes, e28s are "vintage" at this event and last year we had a BUNCH of 'em on display. A list of what is "vintage" is under the FAQ page on the website. www.vintageatthevineyards.com

    Some say the list of cars allowed to this event are too new but when you invite pre-war BMW owners year after year after year and they never show up, the only other option is to open it up to newer BMWs like the e30 and e28.
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    I will try to make it with my E30 M3! :D Sounds like a great event, I have been wanting to attend it for a couple years now. Since my car is now old enough to enter, maybe that will be enough motivations to make the trip.

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    Last year we were able to display the e30 M3 guys together in the e30 section so we will try to do it again next year. Our goal is to create good photo-ops for everyone.

    In my opinion, this will be the best one yet so hopefully you can make it.

    Autohaus guest

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    Sounds like it will be fun. All I gotta do is get 3 new tires, gas tank (mine leaks when its almost full) full tune up, timing belt changed and a coolant overhaul. Talk about a partial overhaul! I only drive the E28 around town on Sundays. I gotta get those parts done so I can let her loose on the highway :)
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    Sounds like you better make an appointment with AZ so you can have all this ready by May! :D

    Actually the road trip would probably do the E28 good!


    Autohaus guest

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    Gas tank is like $250 I checked online. Tune-up parts and coolant/timing belt parts would be about $450 in parts. Too personal here, but I don't care....I got like $3500 in income tax refunds last year. Even if I get only 1/2 that around late Jan/early FEB, I'll get the E28 highway ready. It will be too cold for AZ to do any work in the winter :rolleyes:
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    Sounds like a plan! It is fun going on a road trip in an older car. Come May we should see if we can't get a big group together to caravan on down Vintage at the Vineyard! :D


    Autohaus guest

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    Where are you located GR?
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    Autohaus guest

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    This could be possible. Though May is eon's away from now.
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    I dunno, North Carolina is a very, very far distance from here, and only for a few hours? I'm in for a good road trip as much as the next bimmerhead, but that really is a long drive for a single day's event...

    ... unless someone lets me drive their vintage M3... :D
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    May is a long way off and it is a long trip! Keep it in mind though! :D

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    TeamStowell We love driving!

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    We are planning on getting the Euro comfortable enough to get us down there without feeling tortured. Frank and Denise Greppo went last year, and we are planning on heading down with them next time around.
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    The seats in that thing look like they're comfortable; what's wrong? The seats are too hard?

    Autohaus guest

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    Scott, I plan on getting the E28 ready for this. It needs about $1500 parts/labor for it to be cross-country ready (even though this isn't a cross country trip). Isn't this supposed to be a full 3-day event?

    Maybe what he means is the A/C is not working? Your E30 is more road ready than my E28 fo sho! Speaking of A/C, its not working and neither is my fan for the cabin :eek:. Good thing my mechanic is only 5 blocks from me AND I work for him on Saturday mornings AND I got the best shade tree mechanic this side of the Mississippi...AZ to help me out :cool:

    Autohaus guest

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    Sorry buddy, I got first dibs on the E30 M3. GR told me...in my dreams...:D

    7 months and counting.
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    I know it is far, but think about it, 250+ vintage BMWs!!! Hmmm, BMWs (think Homer Simpson!) :D

    So now I am letting you guys drive my M3 in your sleep none the less! I better check my insurance policy! :D I don't know if it covers drivers from New England! ;) Tongue in Check :D

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