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Two Thumbs DOWN on Rebate Process

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by msjs2001, Nov 19, 2010.

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    msjs2001 guest

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    I think I'm in the correct forum to post as the title is "Tell us what you think about your experience here at BMW CCA".

    My experience with BMW CCA, specifically the rebate process, stinks. No one at the Club takes responsibility for their part or actions in the process. Instead, I got passed off to BMW NA. The phone number the rebate coordinator provided wasn't the correct number either. I spent over 30 minutes on the phone with someone at BMW NA who didn't know anything about rebates, said they BMW NA does not deal with rebates, and ultimately told me to "call the Club". The same Club who told me to call BMW NA. A big circle jerk.

    The Club received our paperwork via the USPS on September 13, 2010. As of today, November 19, 2010, we have NO CHECK. No one at the Club can even confirm if/when it was mailed, nor can BMW NA. I don't understand why other members have checks within a week a mailing (based on some posts I've read), and it will be TEN weeks as of Monday for our family. I believe someone at the Club sat on our paperwork.

    I know my complaint is not isolated. The Executive Director should consider revisiting the current "process flow" for the rebate program and find ways to streamline the process and increase inefficiencies because what's in place now is NOT working.
    • Staff


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