Would anyone else find a thread for general discussion of Chapter "management" subjects useful? As the "about-to-become" Vice Pres of our local Chapter, I'd be VERY interested in a Forum specifically to share ideas for events, Chapter organization, how other Chapters deal with issues like member engagement/motivation, declining membership volume, increased membership dues, news letter content and publication, by-law changes, liability issues, etc., etc., etc... Please chime in if you would like to see something like this get going here
Membership Retention Lance: Its too bad you were not on a recent NA Region Conference Call that I hosted on Membership retention. I will send you the helpful notes from the Call. John VOTE IN JANUARY FOR JOHN SULLIVAN NA REGION VICE PRESIDENT
This is a super idea Lance, and congrats on the VP position. The tough part about this may be the multiple directions the threads can take. I am always pleasantly surprised when a thread started for promotion of an event turns into something where we are talking about pets. It will be great to get input from the national audiance, as there may be wonderful ideas coming from folks we don't have regular contact with here in the North Atlantic. I'll throw out an example of what we do when the cars are buried in the white stuff. The Stowells host a Shoe and Stew for members who want to snowshoe through an iced over swamp (yes insurance forms are filled out )and grab some hot sustinance afterwards. Last year we had sixteen folks young and old join us, including a couple of folks coming out for their first event.
Lance, I had thought about this some time ago and had a few forums set up. Chapter Webmaster Chapter President Membership Chair Chapter Treasurer Newsletter I think it's a great idea although there are a few problems. The member must contact us to be added to the usergroup to have access. With the exception of Scott and a few others, no one uses them. Perhaps having them hidden is not a good idea. I think we can make them visible so others can see the forum name, but keep the posts private. We are open for suggestions.
Steven, I wonder if having separate forums for each of those groups/subject doesn't make things too fragmented. I would think combining all of the above into a single Chapter Management Forum might allow for greater sharing and cross pollination. At this point I have mixed feelings about keeping such a Forum or Forums hidden from the general membership. Perhaps the Chapter Management Forum could be read only to the general membership but only acknowledged Chapter Officers could post to the forum. It could be accompanied with a statement that general members should contact their Chapter Officers to comment on any discussion topics from the Management Forum. Unfortunately, I do recognize that the number of Chapter officers who are generally active on the Forums is pretty low. How well advertised/notified are the Chapters of the existence of these Forums?
Any more thought or action regarding combining the Chapter leadership forums? Which of the separate forums could a Chapter Vice President participate in?
If one function of such a forum is pooling and generation of ideas upon various subjects, I'd think on many topics it would be counter-productive to allow input from only a few; you never know who just might have a bright idea for something. I can see where a a few things might be best discussed only between managing officers, but can't imagine all that many topics where anyone's input might not be beneficial. So, how's your dog?
Maybe we can discuss this at the Chapter Congress in Dallas. If you are not coming, maybe someone else in your chapter can bring it up. Edit: Perhaps make it visible to all but only chapter officers can post?
Unfortunately it doesn't look like I'm going to be at the Chapter Congress. I'm not the President, Treasurer or Membership coordinator and all of them are available to make the trip themselves. So, i don't get to substitute for anyone.
Lance, I am planning on attending, and will side bar with you before heading down so I can make sure your questions are raised and discussed. Got to go feed the African Grey parrot before he bites the cat's tail.
you can still attend, although your chapter will have to pay your way. my chapter is taking all 4 Board members even though only 3 are reimburseable.
Our Chapter has chosen only to send the 3 basic representatives Scott, thanks for taking up my torch!
LJ's question about attending the Chapter Congress Lance: Paul is 100% correct about attending. It is a local Chapter option to pay for all your expenses. You would also have to room with someone or pay the difference to have a room by yourself. If Willy is OK with it you would be more than welcome! You may want to touch base w/Linda Alexson at the National Office if you intend on attending. John VOTE FOR JOHN SULLIVAN NORTH ATLANTIC REGION VICE PRESIDENT
I've talked to Willy and I'll be remaining home in New England I don't want to use Chapter resources to send a 4th delegate and I don't feel strongly enough about the subject to pay out of my pocket. I'll either talk with Scott about the subject and/or I'll have one of our other Reps discuss the subject. Thanks for the suggestions