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The unOfficial Ofest Thread...

Discussion in 'Oktoberfest 2010' started by GSMetal, Aug 22, 2010.

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    Well somebody had to start it! :D

    Make this your thread to post photo or brag about your adventures on the track.

    Spent all day cleaning the James Bond car today so we're coming up on Tuesday. Only an hour long drive for us.

    Let's see some photos!
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    I'll start...

    OK...here's my E39 (aka James Bond) all cleaned up and waiting for Tuesday to come around.

    I have my German music CD's picked out.

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    :eek: GERMAN music? What, Scorpions? :confused:

    I'd be playing bootleg Who, Queen, Bowie, & Mott concerts, but the E28 (aka 'The Kelvinator', to your left) doesn't happen to have a radio at the moment.
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    No way man....Johnny Hoffmann & his Herzbuben - Local band :)

    The car loves it!
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    Ze Kelvinator has landed in Elkhart Lake! We are online from Osthoff. :D
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    Do you see other Bimmers?
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    Went up to Elkhart Lake today. The weather was perfect!

    Here's some photos!
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    More photos

    Here a few more pics....
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    And a few more....

    Few more photos....
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    More photos...
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    John in VA

    Post Count: 624
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    Thanks for the pictures. Wish I was there!
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,504
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    Yes, real nice photos.
    Wish I was there.

    Oh wait.
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    I'm glad somebody got to see the concours ... :(

    GregS_WI guest

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    A couple shots

    A couple shots from my phone. The first is a 1940 BMW 325, the second a Z1 and M1 -- how often do you see one of those, let alone them side-by-side?
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    A few pixs:





    M Auto-X
    who am I??

    Patrick9901 guest

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    How come Oktoberfest is in August?
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    'Cause it' too cold in October.
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    Bimmer Meet

    We were at Bimmer Meet today...here's a few pics.

    Left to right:
    1: Our own parking area
    2: Lots of Bimmers today - the weather was perfect!
    3: We got out on the track for 'parade' laps with a speed limit "not to exceed 50 MPH" (yeah right!) We topped out at 80 but I could have gone faster if that M5 would have let me pass. :mad:
    4: I don't think we were suppose to be here but we came in the back way for a short picture stop in the Winner's Circle. That's my E39 (aka James Bond)
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    John in VA

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    So families can attend before school starts.
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    Post Count: 31
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    well run event, I had a great time!

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