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Synching Homelink with my garage door opener

Discussion in 'E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006-2011)' started by Swooz, Mar 8, 2009.

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    Anyone have any tips on how to get the Homelink on my 09 328i to work with a garage door with a rolling code? I tried following the instructions that came with the opener and that didn't work; then tried following the directions in my owner's manual and still nothing. I'd like to toss the remote control into a drawer and SOON.

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    John in VA

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    Did you check Homelink's site?

    WDW1Fanatic guest

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    I successfully did this with both my garage door openers with rolling codes on my '09 E93 335i using the procedure in the manual. Be sure you have the flashing light on the garage door motor at the right point in the process. From there, you have less than a minute to do the next step once the blinking starts. I also found that I needed to have the car fairly close range to the garage door opener (in the garage or just outside the garage door). Once programmed, for whatever reason, Homelink on my BMW does not appear to work as consistently at longer distances than my Lexus, and I found the same thing in programming as well.

    dale512 guest

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    I found that you need to move the handheld remote closer to the buttons on the mirror. At first, I followed the directions very literally as stated in the manual with no success. I was able to link my remote to the homelink in my car by moving the remote very close to the mirror, not the distance as stated in the manual. As a point of reference, I had more difficulty with our BMW than our non-BMW SUV.

    BIMMIR guest

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    08 328i convertible - ditto what the last 2 guys said. Agreed with the poionts made about the sensitivity. I did the same thing about trying different positions with the remote. Also, I replaced the batteries in it to make sure they were fresh. Due to the sensitivity, I ended up taking a good look at my garage door opener itself. I didn't know it, but I had a wire on mine that acts as an antenna. It was kind of folded over or coiled up, not really needed when using the manual opener.
    Once I extended this down, it made a huge difference, but the homelink is still not as sensitive as the remote.
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    I got the Homelink programmed...finally. Thanks for everyone's help. Now if I could just fix the crappy cup holders!
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    What did you finally do to get it to successfully program? I have tried the suggestions on this email thread to no avail. Really like to hear your description. Please.

    bl335i08 guest

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    Just in case you still haven't got it working: It helped me a lot when I put the remote opener in between the rearview mirror and the windshield. You know, the step where you sync the opener with your BMW... Hope this helps
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    Putting the old garage remote between the mirror and the windshield, or as close as possible, made the learning mode work. :)

    Many thanks.

    Does anyone else besides me dislike having the buttons on the mirror. Seem like I have to readjust the mirror after using the remote link button most times. I would prefer if the buttons where located near the sunroof opener, or on some fixed spot.


    WDW1Fanatic guest

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    +1. ...and, I'd love if the buttons would work when the power is off, as is the case in my Lexus and most previous Japanese rides.

    bl335i08 guest

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    Yeah, I don't like the location of the buttons either. And I'd like them to work with the engine off. Don't know what the logic behind that was...:confused:
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    I don't mind the location, but I too wish they worked with the ignition off.

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