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Discussion in 'E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006-2011)' started by MPHCPA, Jun 6, 2011.

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    I have Sprint as my wireless carrier and just replaced my BB with Epic 4G (updated to latest version). I have a 2011 335xi Coupe and a 2010 Z4 (both with I-drive). I have paired my phone with both cars and it stays ok for 1-2 days. I then get into either car and the phone does not connect. I have to delete the device on the BMWs and on the phone unpair. I then go thru the process and everything works for a day or so. I replaced my phone with a new one and it still happens. This never happened with my BB.

    Any thoughts? Should I switch carriers ( I really do not want an Iphone if I can help it)? Any 4g smartphones from Sprint work. If I go on the BMW website most phones are old and cold (execpt for I phone).


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    Are you getting the club discount with Sprint? It's 19% at the moment. With it, you get the able assistance of Monica Ramirez in Miami (Sprint's corporate accounts office, I believe). You may have a faulty phone. I'd suggest asking for a replacement through your local Sprint store. I've gotten two replacements for similar functional failures.
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    Thanks for the info. Yes I am getting the discount.Do you have Monica Ramirez phone number?

    I did have my phone replaced once.
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    19%? I might have to do that. I have a govie discount now, I believe it is only 10-15%.
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    I get 19% but there is no discount for the Insurance on the phones or their $10/month data plan.
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    Looks like if you click on "Join the Experience" / "Membership Benefits" / "Member Discounts" / the Sprint (incorrectly still showing 15%) logo / "BMW CCA members...", you'll find Monica's number in the upper right corner. Tell her I said 'hi'. ;)
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    same here. itd be nice if it did apply to those too, especially since I have 4 lines, all with insurance and premium data. . .
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    It does add up. I have been taking to Sprint regarding the problem I have been having with my EPIC. They keep going on about how they cannot take it back because I got it at Best Buy and they ramble about its not their inventory. I asked them - If they took back the phone would it really affect the Sprint inventory in any material fashion? Would they be under investigation by the SEC for taking back a Epic 4G. Shades of Bernie Madoff!!

    I really like the phone putting the bluetooth issue aside. My wife has no problem on our 2011 335xi Coupe.

    We shall see what happens.
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    I'd try a diff sprint store. I buy all my phones at BB (better deals by far) but all get serviced via Sprint stores. You are a Sprint customer afterall. I am not sure what kind of game they are trying to pull on you.

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