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So, any gamers in here?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by az3579, Nov 18, 2008.

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    Any of you guys play video games? What do y'all play (assuming someone here plays something other than me :p)?

    Currently playing:

    Crysis (PC)
    Call of Duty: World at War (PC)
    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3 -- boy I love the fact that I can drive a 135i without buying one!)
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    Far behind. Bioshock rules. Want to play lots, but no time. Wifey got me a wheel and pedals for X mas 2 years ago and I have not even had time to play GT3 with them! Wifey FTW!
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    Yeah, I hear ya about GT3; not enough hours in the day. I'll be honest though; it doesn't compare to GT4 and GT5:p.

    The wheel and pedals make things sooooo much more fun. I can't tell you how many hours I spent putting on crappy tires on a 118d in GT4 and just drifted around the Nurburgring the whole time. It was immense fun! There were actually times where I ended up sweating, yes sweating, after about an hour's worth of drifting. Sometimes it got pretty hectic when I would take the car on the really short course. Drift from left to right, nonstop! Of course having an M5 on the Nurb was fun too, none of that drifting nonsense (at least not with crappy tires). :D

    I'm dying for the full version of GT5 to be released so I could have my Nurb; I'm so annoyed that my PS3 won't play a PS2 game. I should've bought the first release of the PS3, which does play PS2 games. Oh well.

    I rarely play it too, but my weapon of choice when I do finally bring out the wheel is a Corvette Z06. Massive fun!
    Sorry to say, the 135i doesn't provide 'nuff juice, but the E92 M3 is quite entertaining...
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    The pc game I used to waste an inordinate amount of time on was Battlezone. Not the old arcade game, but a multiplayer game with (this is where it gets less than plausible :p) 'hover tanks' of multiple varieties, weapons options, maps, several varieties of gameplay, and remarkably accurate motion physics for a game that came out 10 years ago.

    What I'd like to get into would be that subscription online racing where they model to near infinitesimal detail actual road courses - now that's cool! But, for that, I need a new pc, plus, ideally, the computer driving setup stuff. :)
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    What game would that be? I think I have plenty of horsepower to run it. :D

    Autohaus guest

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    I play a game that seems so real! I get behind the wheel of my car and drive!
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    argh - memory & too many magazines! It was written up in something I read lately - had to be either Autoweek, R&T, C&D, or PC magazine (I'm gonna guess autoweek) - ok, after googling, I think this is it-


    The article I read however went into more detail about everything they have to do to model the racetracks. I'll post back if I find it -
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    TeamStowell We love driving!

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    GT does take up a good amount of my time, but even worse is the Ace Combat series. I can take the car out anytime (granted not the M5 in Germany) but I don't often get the chance to take a Raptor up and blow up enemies to my hearts content. I have been bumming because the latest version is not PlayStation friendly, nor will it be to my knowledge.
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    Bah, the graphics on that aren't nearly as good as some other games, AND you have to pay for it. Let's see; very, VERY few cars (most of them American, BTW), very few tracks, and paid subscription... no thanks.

    I like the fact that it has Lime Rock so I could practice my line, but practice in a car that I don't have? That doesn't make much sense to me. If there was an E30 in there, then I'd gladly pay for a one-month and practice to my heart's content so I could get better lines the next time I go to Lime Rock in my red E30 from hell. :)

    Which GT do you play? Do you have GT4?
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    Graphics - maybe so, but I think the point of what they're doing is to provide the most realistic online/pc racing and road course driving experience. The reason they don't have that many tracks is because nobody else is spending thousands upon thousands of dollars to model the track surfaces down to near infinitesimal detail - same for the cars. That much detail takes money & time. Of course, any BMW enthusiast (myself included) would enjoy sim-racing one of our favorite cars; on the flip side, if the program is realistic, everything you know about driving will apply regardless of whatever you're driving. A rwd vehicle in the program, depending on its suspension setup, would presumably more closely approximate the bimmer driving experience. :) And, maybe someday, they'll throw a BMW into the mix!

    Also - besides funding the car & track modeling, the pay2play structure places drivers in a monitored community; just as in a real life racing series, there's no anonymity, and there are consequences for irresponsible driving/behavior. Hackers and anonymous no-skill 1-timers would ruin the gaming experience, just as they do everywhere else.

    That being said, of course there's lots of great racing sims & driving programs out there, but I haven't heard of any other company doing what they're doing -

    Solidjake guest

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    I want to play GT5 soooo bad :( i have 360. i beat every other GT 100% no cheats. i play pc games and my 360. racing games on the 360 and shooters on the pc
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    Same. I don't know how people play shooters on a console system; it's just impossible to aim with those stupid analog sticks. It is impossible to play a shooter better on a console than on a PC, that I guarantee.

    GT5: Prologue is OK, but way too short. There aren't nearly enough cars and the tracks are severely lacking. If the Nurburgring was in it, then I'd say it is great, but the selection of tracks is so small that you get sick and tired of them really quickly. This game really is a demo in my eyes.

    The cars are OK, but once again, not enough selection. The sound effects can be off. For example, the E92 M3 sounds like... *gosh!* a Japanese car!
    There's way too much treble to that V8 sound, even with the interior view on, and not nearly enough bass to that German growl that it should be. I'm heavily disappointed in the sound effects, but the driving experience has gotten much better, IMO.
    You can even use the Logitech G25 with this game, which includes a clutch and a gated shifter!

    Let me tell ya, that Z06 Corvette is massive fun 'round corners with the Traction Control off. :D (I can't say this enough!)

    GregS_WI guest

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    No guitar heros?

    I got into my 9 year old son's Guitar Hero. We even bought a second guitar so we could play together. It was big fun, but neither of us have played since October when we went out and bought a couple real electric guitars! Hearing him rip out a little Metallica almost brings a tear to my eye.
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    It would bring tears to my eyes for entirely different reasons. lol


    Autohaus guest

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    laugh(ing) out loud

    GregS_WI guest

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    The wife would probably agree with you. Maybe this is why our guitars are in the basement now, not the den where they started out.

    bradley01 guest

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    I am quite into an online FPS called Combat Arms. It is FREE...I repeat FREE and it is quite good (considering the price)! I'd be happy to play with someone if they are interested.

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    maybe we should form our own game clan - lol! :D

    Clan Bimmer Club!

    etc., etc., :p
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    Well if you guys played Call of Duty 5, we'd probably be able to start a clan. :p

    I know of a better one. America's Army is completely free, has fantastic graphics, and is realistic enough to pass as a very good game. It's actually made by the Army and is a quality game, though it's online-only to my knowledge.
    I might give your game a shot if I free up some time in my ridiculous schedule...

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