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Snow stories

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by dms540i, Dec 27, 2010.

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    lol Frank - I can see the commercial now...

    Gallon of Milk: $3.50
    Loaf of Bread & a dozen eggs: About 4 bucks
    Snow Shovel and Ice Melt: $28.00

    Waiting too long to buy your storm-survival kit, shopping in the middle of a blizzard, running off the road and getting your car irretrievably stuck on the way back, and then having to hike 2 miles back home in a blinding, freezing snowstorm without being able to carry any of your purchases with you...: Priceless!
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    To drummerfc:
    I remember those days very well, living in Massachusetts for most of my life .
    Every time even when there was a chance of snow. after the blizzard of 78 when the state shut down for a week. the stores were like a zoo. So i moved to Florida to get away from that . But oh no I went from snow to Hurricanes. Same problems but just wet not white.
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    steven s

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    LSD in a E30 was a lot of fun today.
    Even with all seasons.
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    How is the e30 in the snow with snow tires?
    I just put snows on mine and have yet to try it out.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,515
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    I had snows for it when I lived in MD but don't remember driving in snow.
    I sold off the snows when I moved to SC.
    LSD makes a huge difference. I never realized how much until today.
    I was zipping around pickups and SUVs. :)
    There was some sliding action, but very manageable.
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    I'm surprised how big a deal people make out of snow in other states, when we get a bad storm all I hear about on the news is how great the skiing is, we even have a weatherman who makes his reports on the ski slopes with all his gear on :D
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    steven s

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    We don't get snow often.
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    All that great feedback from the car helps a ton, doesn't it? I just drove ~10 miles home in an inch of snow on mercifully empty roads and these dang summer tires. While any emergency maneuver would likely have ended in disaster (see "mercifully empty roads," above ;)), it wasn't even close to the white-knuckle slide-fest I was expecting. Slow, smooth and steady and they just go where you point 'em...long as that ain't up too much of a hill.

    My snows should arrive and be fitted on Thursday. If we don't see any serious go-out-and-play-grinning-like-an-idiot snowfall after that, I'm going to be seriously annoyed. AWD + snows is just way too much fun to wait another year. :D

    Amen to that! :eek:

    Here's my all-time favorite, from the big blizzard of ... oh, I dunno, 2005 or so: The guy two lanes over at the local supermarket who was buying something like eight gallons of milk. The worst storms I've seen in my lifetime failed to paralyze NJ for more than 48 hours, max. So I amused myself while waiting to check out trying to figure out how many kids this guy must have to need eight gallons to survive two days.... :rolleyes:

    (Ironically, I was there to buy bread and milk, not because I gave a rat's patoot about the impending storm, but simply because I'd run out.)
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    That's my whole point...we're in the Northeast for cripes' sake...it's January...in January, in the Northeast, sometimes it SNOWS. :eek: This is NOT news!
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    Yea but at least you don't get 3 or 4 bad hurricanes every summer! :p

    Update - had the 11 o'clock news on last night. First 15 minutes...all snow coverage, and in this order:

    1. Tracking the storm with their SuperDuperDopplerRadar system (or whatever the foul they call it)

    2. Video of the trucks loading up and dispensing salt

    3. Interviews of people at the supermarket

    4. BONUS coverage - interviews of people at Home Depot buying shovels and bags of salt.

    I had to put on Seinfeld re-runs to avoid an anyerism...OY VAY! :D
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    That's because you're not a freakin' moron. Yesterday, here in Wisconsin, I saw a big ol' Ford pick'emup truck in front of me slip a little sideways. What did the guy do? He HIT THE BRAKES! No wonder these things are always found inhabiting the ditches ... :rolleyes:
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Must be winter. . .

    . . . the Surf Report guy was bummed: ankle-high, the sea is flat. (Yes, we get surf reports along with traffic reports in the morning.)

    Blue skies, high 60s on the coast, low 70s inland. But chilly. Not chilly enough to put the top up, of course, but---

    Mannnn, am I glad I left Alaska!
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    :mad: Why, I oughta (shakes fist in disgust)...

    I mean, who ASKED ya anyway??

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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Thank God the winter is easing up!

    In the low 70s today, bright sun. The surf is still pretty low, but expected to pick up for the weekend.

    I think I'll take the roadster out to lunch, maybe to the Cove in downtown La Jolla. It's a great place to watch cars: Bentleys, Ferraris, and of course a few Sixer convertibles.

    It should be warmer tomorrow and through the weekend, but alas! I'll be in Dallas for a CCA board meeting. I guess I'd better look around and see if I can find my coat.

    Snow tires, snow tires. . . do I remember anything about snow tires? Do I WANT to remember anything about snow tires?!
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Why, yes. . . yes, I suppose this is winter. . .

    [FLOATLEFT] View attachment 3214 [/FLOATLEFT]

    Let's see: 66 degrees as we drive over the hill to Pacific Beach. . . or "PB," as it's known. . . for a bite of lunch. Chilly enough that I DID have my shirt sleeves rolled all the way down. . . .
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    That's a doggone shame, CR....

    All that knucklehead had to do was get his freaking foot OFF the gas pedal and downshift (can be done with manual OR automatic transmissions). Engine compression would have slowed it to a stop.
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    He wasn't trying to stop. He was trying to get it straight. That's why he was a moron.

    FWIW, doing either of your suggestions under those circumstances is quite likely to spin the thing. Giving up your rear traction in one of those trucks is just about the very last thing you want to do.
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    Dear Satch,

    Do people often leave flaming bags of doggie poo on your front porch?


    A reader from the great brownish-white north
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    I'm telling! Moderator! MODERATOR!!! [IMG]
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    Let's gag him... maybe then he'll stay quiet about his friggin' nice weather... :p

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