It’s been a quick three years, and once again I find myself reaching out to the members of the North Atlantic Region asking for your support and vote in the upcoming election! During this time, I have transitioned from being the treasurer and membership chair of the Patroon Chapter to becoming the President of our very active group. I have also served on the National Membership Committee, restored an E24 Euro and attended my first Sharkfest and Vintage in the Vineyard, and helped establish Vintage @ Saratoga as one of the premier shows of its type. My reasons for wanting to serve our region as Vice President have not changed, although my experiences during the past few years have helped me better understand the importance of what I wish to accomplish. I still believe the Regional Vice President must serve as an ambassador to potential members, a resource to the North Atlantic membership, and a representative voice for our chapters at the National level. I believe we need to create more events where chapters share associated resources, risks and rewards, allowing members from multiple groups to enjoy an experience which smaller chapters may not be able to carry out on their own. I believe it is important that the North Atlantic Vice President attend individual chapter meetings as well as events to truly understand the issues and challenges some of our chapters are facing, and to better know the individuals who are working hard to keep the momentum going. There are many great ideas to be found in our chapters, and I will be that leader who makes sure all have the opportunity to benefit from them. Please cast your vote for me and allow me to serve as your Vice President for the next three years. I thank you!