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s14 timing components

Discussion in 'E30 M3 (1988-1991)' started by hendi72, Oct 18, 2008.

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    hey y'all,
    does anyone out there know where to buy timing chain tension rails for less than a ga-zillion dollars? if so please let me in on this secret!!!!!


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    Jeff Gomon South Central Region Vice President

    Post Count: 147
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    I would give Brett Anderson at Koala Motorsport a call. If he doesn't know a trick or have a tool you could rent, then I would be very surprised. He used to rent these types of tools and a variety of others, but not sure if he still does.
    Hope this helps....
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    He is talking about the tensioner rails for the chain, not a special tool. THe answer is, dealer only. You will want to look in the Roundel for the dealer that offers the largest CCA discount. Parts will still run you near $1000 if you don't remove the head, and more if you do. Then there is much labor.

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