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Replacement wheels or...

Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by az3579, Mar 23, 2009.

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    This is moot if the wheel can be fixed, but FYI I found my 15" Euroweaves with relatively little trouble--$450 + shipping for five wheels in good condition. I bet you could pick up one for not too much if Option A doesn't work out. You'd just have to drive around with a mismatched wheel for awhile.

    Uh...I did say five wheels didn't I? Hmmm, I guess I've only got four on my car right now (--and I only use them for winters). Let me know if the wheel repair doesn't work out and I think we can work something out (like an extended loan?) until you find a replacement.
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    Your Euroweaves aren't Euroweaves at all. You have Ronal LS wheels, which are different but similar. I wouldn't mind those either, though. :D

    I'll find out tomorrow if the wheel can be repaired.
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    Say, would you be willing to sell me those Ronals?
    I mean, winter wheels? Come on... pleeeeeeease? :)
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    No no, I bought a set of Euroweaves this winter. Check out post #30 from the thread "a bottle cap mystery" (on page 5 of this forum). You can still see the link they were posted on: http://gallery.me.com/jtree007#100056.

    And no, you can't have my Ronals.:p
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    How did you score those Euroweaves??? Man, lucky bum. :)
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    Believe me, it wasn't that difficult. I found more than one set available at the time. This set had the best price (lowered to $450 from $600) and in the best condition. Remember to let me know if your wheel can't be fixed.
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    I'll buy one for a spare, to match my others! :D

    BTW I paid $300 for my 15 inch BBS basket weaves plus about $150 for shipping and currency exchange from Germany. :D

    But really, just get it fixed!!! :)
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    Wheel can't be fixed. :(

    I don't want to have to put the Kosei K1's on... I don't like them all that much. So Steve, does your offer stand?

    Currently I have a bottlecap in its place, a nasty, dirty one. It's out of balance and I can't live with the shake...
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    I am sorry to hear you can't get them fixed! :( Kosei K1s are so bad. They are very light, jut be sure to get the center cap, in my mind they look like they are missing something with out them.

    Also keeping checking ebay/craigs list, www.ebay.de etc. You might just find a single one for sale.
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    I don't want to check constantly every day for a year to find one. It's a huge waste of time (I've done that, trust me). The way I see it is that if I don't see one for sale for a week or two, then I'm just wasting my time.

    I've done a Google for "FS E30 Euroweave" or "15" 4x100 E30" and almost every possible search combination and have come up dry. This is why I don't understand how Steve got his set and said that there were other ones for sale too.

    The shop told me that the guy who looked at the rim and deemed it unrepairable said that he could get me one. I rolled my eyes thinking that it's going to be an ix wheel of course, but we'll see what he comes up with. In the mean time, I'm not holding my breath.

    I'm just going to have the Kosei's mounted. They're 15's, the tire on the bad wheel is good, and I have a track day coming up, so hell if I'm gonna miss that. That bottlecap has to come off ASAP so I could balance my wheels and do an alignment...
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    OK, I've been looking around tonight and looked in the one place I haven't looked yet (and really obviously place): r3vlimited

    My account doesn't work quite right, but at least it works enough to allow me to PM a seller in my state who is selling 4 very nice Ronal LS wheels. But, I face a dilemma;

    Either I pay $500 for the Ronal LS wheels and get to pick them up (only about 30 minutes away)


    I pay this other guy $600 for his Euroweaves. There are 4, in excellent condition, but for $100 more, and they are located in Germany. The price is shipped, but still; they're in Germany, and by the time they get here, my track day will probably be a couple of days away. I still have a pre-tech to do on the car, and want to make sure that the vibrations I'm feeling through the steering wheel really are because of the 14" wheel vs the 15"s on the rest of the car.

    What do y'all think? Ronal LS's (37 offset, come with 8mm spacers) for less money or genuine 15" wheels with the correct et24 offset?
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    Since you have the kosei's as a backup for track use, seems to me you could go for the Germany option if you wanted to. Don't throw the bent wheel away, just because one person local to you says no doesn't mean somebody else can't fix it. If you didn't curb (or whatever) your other wheel(s), stick the rears on the front and see if you still have a shimmy-shimmy-ko-ko-bop.
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    Buy the Euroweaves!!! And yes save the bent wheel. I might even buy it for the right price.
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    Good idea!
    Looks like I'll be rocking Kosei's for a while...
    but I still want Euroweaves.

    I'm starting to think that I should just get another set of wheels that are in better condition. Mine are pretty scratched up and a couple of them are lightly curbed..........

    Anyway, I'm waiting for a response on those Ronals. If I can score them for around that much then I think I have a great deal on my hands. Most of the Ronals I see are going for around $1000 +
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    $500 for the Ronals is a very good deal. I paid $560 new and they've drastically appreciated in price since they stopped making them. You won't be sorry if you buy them.
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    Factor in how much it costs for the spacers, and you may not find it to be such a good deal. No such thing as a hub centric 8mm spacer. I have Ronals (MSW) on the 327i with non hub centric spacers and I dread having to pull the wheels for any reason (they were made for a Honda, so I had to bore the center as well.) I would have to go to 13mm spacers to get hubcentric and the proper spacing to clear the front calipers. Those will cost almost $150 unless I make them myself (I'd have to go use my brother's lathe or wait until my company buys a new one.)
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    Yes, the offer still stands. BTW, I found a lot of Euroweave action on the dedicated BMW sites: E30tech.com, Bimmerforums, Bimmerfest, etc. R3V is excellent too, as stated by others. I found nada on ebay.
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    How long are you willing to loan me one? I'd like to put off buying a set of wheels for a month or two if possible so that I could get myself together financially. I can probably buy a set now, but then I'd be really strapped for cash...

    Would this weekend be possible?

    Autohaus guest

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    B, get the Euroweaves from Germany.

    me109stock guest

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    Get the Euroweaves and if you are strapped for cash, sell your now "spare" three Euroweaves - you can't be the ONLY one needing just one! (I'd keep at least one as a spare in case this happens again - or if you travel the highways which we all know are sooooo smooth and well maintained)!

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