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Rear End Noise

Discussion in 'E90/E92/E93 M3 (2008-2013)' started by dhalter, Jun 23, 2012.

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    I have a 2011 E92 M3. On a hard right turn when the car is cold (like pulling out of my driveway in the morning), there is a LOUD grinding noise that comes from the right side of the rear end. At first I thought it was the tires rubbing. Driving it around in a couple right hand circles clears up the issue. I'm told it's a matter of lubricating the clutches in the rear end. Had the special high lubricity additive put in at 1200 miles. Hasn't helped. There is no problem when the car is warm (as the fluid heats up and is less viscous, I imagine). Very embarrasing to have a $70k+ car at work and when I pull out it like an old clunker, not to mention what it's like when I show someone the car for the first time and it does this! Been to the dealer once and no help. Going to a different dealer next week.

    Anyone else have a similar problem or heard of it in others?

    mrsbee guest

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    He he he, rear end noise.
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    wellardmac Ninja World Traveler

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    Sounds like a noise that could be coming from the rear differential - not sure, but that's my first bet.

    The car is under warranty, tell the dealer to fix it, or escalate it to BMW. It's unfortunate that you have an unhelpful dealer - my BMW dealer is amazing and would be all over stuff like that.
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    Ive heard the Redline Diff oil clears this up. Something about friction modifiers behaving better in the LSD than the BMW replacement fluid. I plan on doing this to mine as I have the same issue.
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    wellardmac Ninja World Traveler

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    Did you ever get satisfaction from the dealer on this?
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    I had this exact same problem. It started after the break-in service @ 1500 miles. There should be a service bulletin on it. As I understand it, they replace the diff fluid at that service. The new fluid is thicker or something, and some of the internal parts that are not completely broken in yet make a "griding" sound on tight right turns. The SB calls for replacing the fluid with something different (possibly thinner). I had this done to my car, and it got better instantly, but didn't completely fix it. It seems to be gone now (at 16K miles), but then again it's 108F here every day, so the car never really gets cold.
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    Had the same problem. Dealer knew exactly what it was - rear diff. Replaced diff fluid with "SAF-XJ plus FM booster" Problem solved! :)
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    Had exactly the same problem with my 08 E93. BMW recommended fix of new Final-Drive Gear Oil (rear diff) SAF-XJ as above. This did not happen until closer to 20K miles. I did not believe the dealer when they said replacing the oil would fix it, but it did! :)
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Please let us know what happens when you go to a dealer who can read...

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