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Question and request

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by GregS_WI, Mar 3, 2008.

    GregS_WI guest

    Post Count: 66
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    First of all, I want to say THANK YOU for adding a club sponsored forum site. Lots of potential here.

    Which leads me to my question: Will some of the 'in-house' experts be chiming in? (Such as Mike Miller?) Possibly to replace some of their email exchanges? Also, will Mike be posting his 'old school' schedule in the DIY board?

    And my request: Will you be putting 'Tech Talk' archives on line? Searchable by model? Imagine the possibilities!

    • Member

    Bill Howard

    Post Count: 238
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    Greg, thanks for your note and words of encouragement. (Those are more fun to read, especially when we're also dealing with glitches on other parts of the site that test the good humor of most club members.)

    We will be using a wide range of club tech gurus to answer questions in the near future. It would be great if Mike Miller were answering questions here; currently his devoting his busy schedule to answering questions in Roundel.

    Electronic archives of Roundel issues going back to the beginning of 2007 should be on line in the near future (within the month) and you can search across all issues up through the current issue as a single search. This is as an electronic edition of the magazine and it's pretty slick.

    Going back further with parts or all of Roundel is something we'll consider. If we did, the print Tech Talk would be a prime candidate.

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