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Prestone Power Steering Fluid

Discussion in 'DIY (Do-It-Yourself)' started by az3579, Nov 1, 2008.

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    I realized the other day that my power steering fluid was low. I heard that ATF must be used for it, but I had no idea what kind to get. I saw this fluid in the store the other day made by Prestone: Power steering fluid + stop leak. I was told that I have a small and very slow leak in my power steering system.

    Does anyone have experience with this brand or any other power steering fluids that say "stop leak" on them?
    Since it's a store product, I'm skeptical about using it because I don't think it would be all that effective, but there are some store products that have surprised me in the past, so I'd like to get opinions on it before I pour this stuff into my system.
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    Post Count: 1,880
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    No, bad. Just use the ATF - Dexron 3.

    Autohaus guest

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    Aren't all stop leak products as phony as those Nigerian scams?!

    BMWtoyz guest

    Post Count: 181
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    Stop leaks only work by gumming things up. I would not use stop leak products, replace the faulty part and flush the system and refill with ATF.

    Jeron guest

    Post Count: 210
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    Use ATF and fix the leak.

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