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Possible transmission issue

Discussion in 'E28 (1982-1988)' started by frederickscott, Jul 27, 2020.

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    Good day to all. I need some assistance. I have a 1985 BMW 528e with an automatic transmission. I was going home, up a hill when there was no more forward movement. I was able to put the car in reverse and then coast to a stop. The car would go forward a few feet then cut off. I got it towed to my house and recently, the same. I am able to put it in reverse. Once it is in drive, it shuts off. Any ideas from the group?
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    First step is to check fluid level of the vehicle. If full take a sample and make sure no burning smell to the fluid or dark color. If so the trans will need a rebuild. If not would have to do some trans pressure diag to see what going on.

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