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Paint QC

Discussion in 'E90/E92/E93 M3 (2008-2013)' started by TurboTom, Jul 31, 2008.

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    I can't hold it in any longer. My son and I were perusing the dealer's M3's and were floored by the "orange peel" paint on several of the cars. COME ON BMW! Are you kidding? Those cars wouldn't have passed a QC inspection at Hyundai. What's up with that? I understand the paint has changed since the old lacquer days but I doubt Mercedes or Porsche would ever let any product out that looked like this crap.
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    Looking around some forums, it seems others have noticed this as well, some dating back to a few months ago, so apparently it has been a problem for some time.

    I am just floored. I didn't think that it would stoop to this level.

    Though I'm not entirely concerned about orange peel, on a $60k+ vehicle (or any vehicle above $30k) the paint had better be immaculate...

    2008bimmerM3 guest

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    smudged paint defect

    I just bought a brand new 2008 M3 coupe 3 weeks ago, the car only has 600 miles. I noticed this problem 3 days after I purchased it while washing it. My paint wasn't immaculate. It has a factory blemish on the rear passenger side bumper, right below the tail light. Please take a look at the picture. The paint is a little bit scraped and wrinkled. No way this is a chip, even the dealer admitted that it was a problem that occured at the factory while the paint might have still been a little bit wet. However, the dealer is only willing to "touch" it up, which still will bother me as I paid good money for this car, and I am an "M" enthusiast. I hope someone can help me on this board. Thanks in advance.

    BMWguy206 guest

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    Yeah same here. Didn't realize the orange peel till the next day when I was taking pictures. Personally I'm not going to go to the dealer and complain about it but I wasn't really expecting any orange peel at all.

    2008bimmerM3 guest

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    look at the yellow circle

    MVF4rider guest

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    According to Griot's, waxing a BMW too erly can cause the paint to orange peel. Who knows what a given local BMW dealer does to prep their cars for the sales floor/lot?
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    I never read or heard of such a claim. The paint on new vehicles is baked on at the factory. From what I have read over the years, they say it is fine to wax a new vehicle as soon as you take delivery. Orange peel is usually caused by to much paint applied at time of spraying.

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