The dates for Ofest 09 will be Monday, Sept 28 through Sunday, October 4, 2009. The final banquet will be Friday evening with additional driving schools and Club Race on the weekend. We are also planning what we are calling 'BimmerMeet' at Road Atlanta on Saturday 10/3. The host hotel for Ofest 09 will be on Lake Lanier Island, GA, thirty minutes from Road Atlanta. Reservation and event schedule information will be made available, Wednesday, Nov 12 at noon (eastern time) at Please let others know. If they are interested in Ofest 09, please have them send an email to with the word subscribe as the subject. We will continue to use this list for information. Comments last year ranged from great to too much. I'll try to find a happy medium.
I am really happy to see us going back to a Monday - Friday schedule!! That's great news! So what's this 'BimmerMeet'? Got any more details?
You can look at it as a corral overlooking the track. Should be a good vantage point and low key event.
I know what I'm doing tonight! Hey, be sure to let us know as soon as you're ready to start taking registrations...I found out the hard way this year that the back window on the 135 is too small for two sets of 3-digit-long numbers. I need to be sure to get a pair of registration numbers that are less than 100 this year!!
Shooting for February registration. I might even get to drive to Ofest for a change. That would mean I need to clean the car though.
2003? Hmmm? I think you are right. I flew to Pasadena in 04. Drove to Greensboro in 05. Took the Mini in 06. Flew in 07 and 08. I did have an instructor at VIR who made me clean the car once. It was covered with salt from the snow I drove through. I'll find a drive thru car wash there.