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Oil warning light

Discussion in 'E70 X5 (2007-2013)' started by murraythek, Apr 3, 2016.

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    murraythek Why is diesel so expensive?

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    This concerns our diesel 2010 X5...about 5 weeks ago the exclamation point in a triangle warning light comes on, xehicle status says oil at minimum, add a quart. This never happened before. I add a quart. Happily drive for 5 or so weeks and here the warning comes up again while driving. When start up for the next trip, no warning light. After driving a while, it's on again.
    I don't know whether to add oil again or not.
    Of course this brings up the question, why the "(add your own expletive)" would you build a car without a dipstick??
    Help anyone?
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    murraythek Why is diesel so expensive?

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    OKAY... I found the dip-stick, a term I can now apply to myself.
    It was down a quart.
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    The diesels do consume more oil than the average inline 6 engine so this to me would see normal. Glad you found the dipstick not everyone is so lucky to have one.

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