Looks like this fair haired (less every day by the way) has his work cut out for him. Lots of good drivers and cars this year. Should be a fun one! I pick Russ over his boy on the Friday autocross by 3/10's of a second. I will make no statements on the Thursday run group.
Quit wasting time posting and get back to work and get all your projects done so you can GO to O'fest!!
I pick Russ & him doing twice as many gear changes as anyone else Watching him last year was an educational experience.
I am planning on three, weather permitting. If the entire group for your half day finishes soon enough, I will allow everyone a fourth run (if you choose; it is not mandatory, but you will have to declare your intention when we start the fourth runs). If everyone who wishes to take the fourth run finishes, the time will count. Otherwise, it will be considered a 'fun run'. There's a much better chance that the Friday classes will get fourth runs since there are fewer cars and many of these are seasoned competitors (aka, 'hotshoes') who are likely to finish faster - allowing more time for more runs. One o' them synergistic thangs ...
So how are us non M guys supposed to kick the Friday guys with one less run? Breaking us into half days, huh........ work/drive whole day or 1/2 day total work and drive?
Thanks! On the general O'fest schedule I see that the start time for the autox is 8:00 am. Are there any further details available? I received email detail on the drivers' school but nothing to date for the autox. Schedule for drivers' meeting, autocross paddock location, course walk schedules, any additional tech necessary, etc?
What time will first car on course be? (best guess would be enough) That would definitely influence the number of runs. Will all the entrants run with their class or something different? Do you need help with the Novices? Here's a thought... If the non-M group only gets 3 runs, the M group could only count the first 3 runs for time and then the 4th would be for fun. That could keep things fair for those guys running for FTD for the combined two days of competition.
ALL-PURPOSE ANSWER TO EVERYBODY'S QUESTIONS: Yeah; yeah ... I know. If you can't count on the run, better make sure your 'peak' comes in less than four. You are only guaranteed the same number of runs as the other cars in your class ... but you knew that. We aren't requiring workers from among the competitors. This is a real 'minimalist' course and it will take hardly anyone to run it. Anyone who hits a cone will have to be acting like a total tool, as the course is designed to have no cones anywhere near the driving surface. STAY ON THE ROAD! Going off or hitting a cone is a DNF. Now, if you would like to help out, we will be delighted to have you 'spell' those volunteers we do have to work; especially if it's nasty hot as it has been. However, you are not expected to work at all. I told you it would be different. I think (hope) that is going into the registration packet, since not all autocrossers have email addresses. A more detailed schedule is: Arrive as early as possible if you need much preparation. The track opens at 7:00 AM. There are several close by parking lots to use for paddock space, and I understand that the entire campground inside the Carousel is also available for autocrossers. It is an almost obscene amount of space. We'll only do a 'clean tech' to see that nothing's rolling around in the car or about to fall off. Otherwise, you are responsible for your car. Don't even try me with an unsecured battery, though ... Competitors in the same class will get all their runs in in half a day; either morning or afternoon. No one is expected to work, so no worker swaps will interrupt the competition. It will be very fast moving since it is a short course on which we will usually have more than one car running and it is unlikely there will be any cones to reset. A short driver's meeting will be at 8:15-8:30 for the morning classes. The meeting will be around 12:30-12:45 for afternoon classes. Course walks can take place any time before FCO. Which brings us to ... I'm shooting for 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. That leaves us three hours for each group of about 50 cars. Yes and no. All cars in the same class will be in the same half day, but I do not believe (pending word otherwise from my timing guy) that there will need to be any running order. The half day sessions each include several similar classes. The Big Shootout will not end until Friday afternoon, so no one leaves early out of sheer boredom. We have none officially planned, but if you would, it would certainly be appreciated. Veterans are used to working the course, and I'm not requiring you to do that. So spend the time passing your expertise along to those who are out for the first time. OK? We'll see how it goes. If the Thursday competitors get no fourth runs, then I think that's a good suggestion. I personally think we'll be moving fast enough to get everyone four runs. We might 'cheat' a little bit on Thursday to manage it, so starting and ending times for the afternoon might go a little later. I'm a big 'ad hoc' adherent. In fairness, no one is running both days, and conditions might be better or worse on one of them. You are only promised fairness within your class and, as much as possible, within your half day. Anything beyond that is pretty much out of my control.
Since this is smack talk thread.... I'm hoping to trophy again this year, and hopefully the Houston road monkeys will dominate again Ofest '09 1Gold 3 Silvers 1Bronze unfortunately two of our trophy drivers can't make it this year
Lame. Last year our hotel room/cottage included 2 Iowa chapter golds and one bronze (and one 4th) v v v v v v v v v v v v v v ......... of course those two golds were also each days FTD.
That must be the secret Them Iowa boy's is sleepin together. I New somethin was up. Actually I herd not much sleepin goin on but a lot of after hours course walkin and what-not? What ever that is fur? ...just kidding my friends and drivers...It should be fun to watch, and now with Mike Bartley in the mix? Hope the Stigs crew gets that M3 back together in time. If not, watch for him to lay it down in whatever he is driving.
It was our own version of the "Alabama Gang" Anyway, you should know that it's only because Scott and Russ have EurowerkzLC.com stickers on their cars that they are so quick. Hey, it worked for me and my Civic at Watkins Glen! (by the way... Can I get a couple for my "M"car and Candys "325" for us folk way down in class 9?)
Scott, be forewarned. The new 3 liter is broke in and we have fresh slicks. The E30 lives and is coming!
Hey Mel I noticed that right away when I looked at the registration list. About time don't you think!!! I think we have bunch of quickness on our day. I am running on 3 year old tires, but no excuses. As was noted earlier in the thread, bring it........this should be fun!!! I think there will be a few surprises this year.
Well, the smack talk is over for me. Just discovered the rear main seal on the new motor is failing quickly so it looks like we are not coming. Damn, it's been too many nights work to have this happen at the late hour.