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OBC Dead

Discussion in 'E39 (1997-2003)' started by wve28, Aug 21, 2008.

    • Member


    Post Count: 22
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    I have a 97 528i and the OBC is completely inoperative. The button on the turn signal stalk does absolutely nothing and I have yet to see the OBC display anything on the dash. Also, the service indicator lights do not reset. I don't know if these are related. Anyone know what the issue could be?

    Autohaus guest

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    It is said that every E39 will need a new cluster once in its life. This happened to my grandparents 97 528i (7/96 built date). The OBC failed to show up and trip odometer failed to register past 600 miles. They got it changed when it was still under warranty. You may go to the dealer and ask for a good-will repair. All you pay for is labor (I think).

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