I have no problem paying the full amount of membership but I don't want magazines mailed to me. A paperless option needs to be added.
Welcome to the club & forums! In a browser, at the top of the site page, hover over "Roundel - Monthly Magazine", move down & click "View Roundel Online", which takes you here: https://www.bmwcca.org/roundel_mag Scroll down & click the "View Issue" button, which takes you to an online version of the Roundel. Or, give the app a shot & see how that works. Chapter newsletters are sent out by email, by default.
I like Roundel very much but I'm asking that you cease sending it wrapped in plastic. This is totally unnecessary since the Post Office manages get my other publications to me in fine shape even though they are "naked". We are producing too much trash due to over-packaging of this sort.
I'm a relatively new member and I realize this is a somewhat old thread, but I would like to see an "opt out" option for the paper magazine implemented as well. I do not need or want paper magazines delivered to my home. I do not read most of them and they end up going directly in the bin. So long as there is an online version, I have no need for a paper copy. I understand that some folks might like them but there should be an option for those that don't want to contribute more to the mountains of waste already generated daily by our society. Additionally, I now seem to be receiving paper catalogs from some of the club's sponsors without out ever requesting them or being given the option to decline.
Please give me the option to opt-out of the print magazine. A waste of BMW CCA money to send it to someone who doesn't read it. I do not need or want paper magazines delivered to my home. I do not read most of them and they end up going directly in the bin. So long as there is an online version, I have no need for a paper copy.
Yup, we need an opt-out here - been YEARS since this has been requested - it already happens for the regional newsletter
So 4 1/2 years after this thread was started, I'm going to chime in. Have any of you seen or heard from any member of the board, or officer of BMW CCA acknowledge this legitimate question, here on this thread? No. Because forums are dead, and no-one that has any influence on the question of offering members the option of receiving the Roundel digitally vs printed bothers to read them and respond. It's sad that in the current issue of the Roundel (December 2022), the Treasurer mentions the cost of producing the Roundel, the possibility of reducing the number of issues to save money, and exploring the option of opting IN to receiving it in printed form. All of these years, they could have been offering the option to opt OUT of the printed edition, but, this forum gets ignored.
Hi m3chief, Thanks for posting. I'm the Treasurer in question, so thought I would go ahead and respond. All the Board members are volunteers so it is sometimes difficult for us to keep up with all the forums, and staff is usually pretty good about letting us know of issues that we need to engage on. So, I'm sorry that we haven't been responsive to you all on this issue. It is a complicated one. An opt out option does reduce cost, but it also reduces advertising reach, and potential advertisers like to see a certain level of publication. Up until 2016 or so Roundel paid for itself, and was actually a profit center because of advertising revenue. That revenue has been on a steady decline since, prompting us to take another hard look. We are analyzing whether a shift to fully digital will allow us to reduce production cost such that we can bring back more issues, and what the impact on advertising would be. As Steve suggests, you are always welcome to contact me or any Board member directly. I've had a number of responses to my column with some good ideas that we will look into. I will add the opt-out option to that list as well, given we are less reliant on advertising. There are still some economies of scale to consider, so that's where the analysis comes in. Thanks again for your post.
fwiw I prefer having a printed Roundel in hand - old school, but, I'm like that, appreciate having online options as well!
To add insult to injury, the April 2024 issue of Roundel has a full-page ad telling us we now have access to over 20-years of issues. Instead, the Club's website has but five-issues posted and a message that reads: Important Notice: Due to recent changes in how we serve Roundel magazine online the full archive is not currently available. We appreciate your patience as we work to restore old issues. When can we expect this to be worked out? Thanks!
Or maybe they could at least make the link to download May 2024's "First digital only issue" work so that you can actually download it?
Any updates on this? It's 2024. How do I opt out of getting the physical magazine in the mail? I just want to view it online!