I joined back in August - when I post, there's no avatar, no "BMW CCA Member" logo, and no message count - what have I done wrong?? Thanks.
Nothing. This is apparently set up manually and someone hasn't gotten around to it yet. Since all responsible parties are probably at Oktoberfest this week, I'd wait until Monday or Tuesday to email Steven Schlossman.
There should be a box just below the login box on the left of your screen at the home page Selecting the link in the box should take care of this for you. For BMW CCA Members Welcome to BMWCCA.org 2.0. You're registered as a site member but your BMW CCA membership info isn't yet linked. * I'm a BMW CCA member and want full access to the site.
Thanks for the link - no way could I find any way to "link" my CCA number. The box below the login only leads me to a link that tells me to look for the "For BMW CCA Members" link on the Home page - as far as I can tell, this doesn't exist!! Seems to me that this "linking" should be automatic - how the heck would I know that I need to be linked??
The linking cannot be automatic because not every member of the site is a CCA member. The only way to make the linking automatic is to require that every person who registers be a BMW CCA member.
Actually, it should be fairly easy to be automatic - have a field for CCA member # and if it's filled in then link.
And, I STILL don't appear to be "linked" - even though I "linked" yesterday. Still no avatar, msg count, nothing.
Guess my last post *finally* got some attention!!! Now, looks like all is well! Thanks to the unknown person who finally fixed this.