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Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by sunnyandrich, Jul 12, 2008.

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    You just had me rolling with laugher... I love the wording!

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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

    Post Count: 2,188
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    Eeek! I've been caught again!

    It's what happens when I'm editing some news nugget or other and think, "Hey---wonder what the gang is up to THIS time!"

    I have never been shy about shoving my way into other people's conversations, though you'd think I'd eventually learn. . . .

    The sad part is that so many of the things I say that I think are witty and ironic are read instead by literal thinkers. It's like making a great pun and then having to explain the double meaning!

    I have GOT to do something about that damn picture. . . I look like a Labrador Retriever passing peach pits.
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    Ah, now I see where you get the whole "flames" craze on the Z4's. :rolleyes:

    If it makes you feel any better, I never take your posts literally and seriously; I always find them more entertaining and comical than serious.

    And up until you changed your avatar, I thought you were kidding about flames on a Z4. lol
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    aww man...! bring back the peach pit pic! :p

    Well... better than you passing peach pits! :eek:
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    ROTFL! Flames by Da Waffle House! YUMMMMM! :D
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    I agree with this sentiment 100%.

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