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mirror adapter

Discussion in 'E36/7 Z3 (1996-2002)' started by uptite, Dec 10, 2013.

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    hello all
    If you drive a z3, in particular a m version,your familiar with the rear view mirror being in your sight path looking to the right.
    Well,I now I have.
    So being that Gary's adapter is no longer available,
    I have developed one for myself.
    I'm selling some on ebay now.
    Listed BMW z3 mirror adapter check them out.
    The view is much better.
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    Hello uptite, do you still have mirror adapters? I didn't find anything on ebay. I know this is an old post, but some of us new to Z3 ownership still have needs. Please contact me.
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    Might be better to IM him - click "inbox", then "start a new conversation" and put his forum name (uptite) in the 'participants' box. If he's still a member and still here, he'll probably see a notification, although, I think it may be possible to set notification settings such that one doesn't get email notifications for things like IM's, etc.
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    steven s

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