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M50/S50/S52 E30 Conversion

Discussion in 'E30 (1984-1993)' started by MGarrison, Jan 14, 2009.

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    ACM1899 guest

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    How can someone figure out the power to weight ratio on 2 or more cars?

    Like the new M3 might weight 4500lbs (i have no idea) and 400hp but another car can be 2700lbs and 280hp how could someone tell on paper what is faster?

    This is something i've always wanted to know.

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    Yeah, but those aren't the only factors determining how quickly a vehicle can get to 60 or 100 mph, or whatever. Transmission and differential gear ratios, overall tire diameter, tire compound, available traction and road/track/course surface conditions, engine torque curve, etc.; an engine's hp measurement can also vary due to altitude and nominally, weather conditions.

    The car mag testers always have the issue of providing meaningful test results due to many varying factors. Results as a vehicle may come out-of-box are kinda interesting, in as much as that's what the mfg. is offering and reflects the makers choices to be in the marketplace and competitive. Unless a particular comparison is really apples-to-apples (say, something like the tires are the same type on all vehicles and tested in the same place at the same time, by the same people using consistent techniques), then small differences in accel. tests (1or 2 tenths of a second) I don't think are extremely significant.

    Generally of course, hp/weight ratios certainly can be an indicator of a vehicle's performance capabilities. Something that has 900hp and weighs 800lbs vs. something that weighs 5500lbs and has 218hp obviously would imply the first would get there quicker.

    ACM1899 guest

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    When i see cars like the M3 CSL, or Porsche GT2 with all the weight cutting i get shocked that it so extreme, like plastic windows, no ac, no stereo, foam steering wheel, etc. How much does a cd player weight? LOL. But at the end it is faster than the stock ones so i was trying to see how i can figure it out. (forgeting about getting detailed as the tires and altitude)

    I hope im not using the wrong term for what im trying to ask.

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    It is pretty obvious that you can easily calculate power to weight ratios for any car. All you do is divide horsepower by vehicle weight. This will result in a decimal, though, so many magazines report weight divided by horsepower. The second way gives you the number of pounds that each horse has to lug around. The lower the number, the quicker the car will generally be.
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    Well, weight isn't much different than cents - a few here, and few there, and pretty soon it all adds up. Sure, various things may not weigh all that much singularly, but throw it all together and you have several hundred pounds accumulating before you know it. Lightening any vehicle will generally improve its performance envelope, as Paul mentions.

    ACM1899 guest

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    Thanks Paul & MG. That helped.
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    Hey guys,
    I'm ordering the E28 M5 motor mounts (or attempting to) now. The set I wanted to buy is an E28 M5 set, but it looks like the left and right sides are different. If I buy a separate left and right mount, will these be directly compatible with the S50? Or do both sides have to be the same?

    ACM1899 guest

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    GL. Keep us posted.
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    Anyone? Which E28 M5 mounts do I use, (1) left and (1) right, (2) left, or (2) right?
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    Never mind. Bought (1) left and (1) right E28 533/535i mounts. Apparently they're the same (according to my swap guy).

    New tranny bought: ZF 5-speed from E36 328i. :D
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    Currently buying some maintenance items. One of these is supposed to be an air filter, but I currently do not have an air filter housing or a MAF. Am I safe to assume that the airbox from an M50 equipped car would be compatible with the S50? What about the MAF? I checked RealOEM but couldn't find the MAF on there I looked on Google and found nothing but these items for sale, though some of them mentioned E36 M3 and 325i on the same line, which makes me think they're the same. Is there anything else I would need as far as the intake goes, other than the airbox and the MAF?
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    Part # for the MAF is 13621747155 and appears to be the same as the 325i, 525i, and 530i. If you plan to get a chip, you may be able to upgrade to a larger 540i MAF, but I would check with Turner or The Racer's Market on that.
    Part# for the airbox is 13711703953, but that may not fit in our engine comartment, and might not fit with a larger MAF.
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    FYI, the swap starts on the 27th. I can't wait; I'm getting all giddy just thinking about it. :D
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    Brian A

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    Best wishes. Take lots of pictures. Don't take it above 300 mph on the first test drive.
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    Can't make any promises. :D
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    Brian A

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    The pictures everyone forgets to take are "before" pictures. They are always fun to look back at after a project is done.
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    Shortly after the conversion will be also a Euro bumper conversion, and for that I will definitely take "before" pics. I'll try to make it a point to my installer that I want pics, but most of the time I should be there so hopefully that won't be an issue. :)

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