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Los Angeles Autocross events

Discussion in 'Pacific Region' started by gevorgwrc, Feb 3, 2016.

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    Hello all!

    I recently joined the club after getting a E92 M3 but I was wondering when the next autocross event is going to be in the Los Angeles area. I don't see any events coming up on the calendar, when do these events happen?

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    You may be better off contacting your local chapter. That type of information usually does not filter down here. The chapter that I belong to tends to communicate that on their Facebook page and in a newsletter that goes to chapter members.
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    Welcome to the forums.
    Nice ride!
    Here in the Midwest the autocross season shuts down from November to early March, sometimes later.
    Many of the BMW chapters around the country don't organize autocross events of their own. Other clubs like SCCA, NASA, Porsche Club, etc have strong autocross series for you to enjoy.
    Have fun with your new ride.
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    Thank you guys! Ill keep an eye out for local events, I heard of chapters that do events regularly but I'm surprised at how slow Los Angeles is considering how many BMW enthusiasts there are!

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