I'm in the process of restoring my 1973 Bavaria 3.0 and I'm having difficulty locating the relays for the power windows. Not sure if they are under the dash or around the engine. Electrical is a foreign world to me so any help will be greatly appreciated. I'm also hoping by changing the relays the windows will finally work how they are supposed to. Thanks.
Hi - I didn't have any luck googling up anything, but if you haven't already, connect w/ these folks, they should have expertise in abundance - http://www.seniorsix.org/ I'm at a loss as to why they're not listed with the other special interest groups on the S.I.G. page here. Looks like there's useful info here, sure to be some crossover - http://www.e9coupe.com/tech/ and here: http://i-vol.com/bmwbavaria/tech.htm Even though the succeeding couple of models, perhaps some useful info or contacts to be had: http://www.firstfives.org/ http://www.mye28.com/ This might be helpful! http://www.e9-driven.com/Public/Library/BMW-E9-Manual/pages/en/index.html Don't know how relevant this might be to your car or not: http://www.e9-driven.com/Public/Library/BMW-E9-Manual/pages/en/51330050.html#refertoc You might want to pose the question to Rob Siegel, although he's obviously busy and gets back to the forums here quasi-sporadically - might be a bit before he's able to reply. https://www.bmwcca.org/forum/index.php?forums/the-hack-mechanic-goes-online.291/
Thank you for all the links MGarrison. I've looked around the different sites you mentioned but haven't had any luck yet. Nothing in the forums that could give me clues as to where the relays are. I'll try posting the question around to see what happens. I've never had luck at the seniorsix.org site, I've actually tried registering there once but never got a response. I will also try Rob Siegel. I appreciate your help