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Last date to change cars for O'fest

Discussion in 'Oktoberfest 2009' started by conechaser, Jul 16, 2009.

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    I registered with one car but may be bringing another. I'm assuming that the organizers would want to know some time in advance?
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    steven s

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    We (and the DE registrar) would. You can edit your registration form by using the confirmation number received.

    I will post the last day for DE registrations and changes. Usually it's a few weeks before the event. Typically that is when they start to assign student/instructor assignments and rungroups.

    94is guest

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    I too am not sure which car I will be using for the club race school. I can either borrow or rent a car from a friend, or figure out a way to get mine a ride out there. I have some friends who are transporting their cars out the week before for World Challenge and but I'll have to ask very nicely if mine can have a ride. We'll see.
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    Kim, we're less concerned with the specific car that students in the CR school use (as long as it meets requirements and has been teched) because the issue of pairing instructors to students with similar car types doesn't apply. For DE students, we definitely want to know what kind of car you are bringing.

    BTW I just noticed where you are from; make sure you introduce yourself to me; my two sons live in El Cajon and the younger one autocrosses a white E30 now and then. The older one has been sipping the BMW koolaid and we're refurbing a 91 318is for him as well!

    94is guest

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    Sounds good. I'll keep trying to find something other than a Hertz Mustang up until the event, but if it means I must drive the autox Mustang, then I guess I'll have to. :)

    Sounds good. I instruct at the BMWCCA autoxes (when I'm not at the track), I wouldn't be surprised if I have met your son before. :)
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    Where do I change my car? I have my confirmation number, but don't know where to go to change the car that we'll be bringing.

    Do I call someone, or can I do it on-line.

    Can't wait!!!!
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    Steven sent an email on 9/10 with info on how to verify your registration/car details. If you don't have that or are having difficulties, you should call him at the national office.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,504
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    You can view your registration form at
    You will need your confirmation number to view it.
    Lost it? Go to http://www.bmwccaofest.org/lost.phtml to retrieve your confirmation number.
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    Updated our entry.
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    Post Count: 128
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    Thank you!!

    Car has been updated:D Now I just have to survive the countdown to Ofest (as well as complete the tech inspection).

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