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It's Empty

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by dms540i, Jun 29, 2011.

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    Post Count: 83
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    Where did everything go? No forum threads? No classifieds? I don't get it. Are you really expecting us to just fill it right up again? All that knowledge gone without a trace? If I knew this was going to be emptied out I wouldn't have renewed on 5/31/2011.
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    It didn't get a lot of attention, but Steven had mentioned, or gotten around to answering the same question, on the old forums - that the new forums they were planning wouldn't be compatible with the old forums. In Frank's email about the new website, he mentioned the intent to make the archive of the old forums accessible, but obviously they're not that far along yet. I hope they do, although I don't know about the ease-of-use & readability of these new forums vs. what we had. I guess we'll see what happens. The classifieds are now under the main "Shop" tab, which I guess is quasi-logical. I think many members might mentally relate the classifieds to the Roundel though... where would you stick 'em?
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    Sad, Slow and Sorry

    It's slowwwwwwwwwww.

    It's plain.

    And you dumped all that knowlege.

    I'm glad we still have Bimmerfest.

    A newbie, considering membership in the club, will be dissappointed.
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    The club membership is about more than just the website and forum. I visit my local CCA website a lot more than the national site (except around ofest), and I regularly visit the other BMW forums, but still am happy to be a member. The local events and the discounts on parts, and the Roundel magazine are well worth the membership dues.

    I do hope they update this forum.....
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    Post Count: 233
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    What is our time worth looking for the new post? More then one or two post and end up rereading almost everything! OH! What is the deal with the submit buttons on this site! I find myself clicking a few times before anything happens!
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,505
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    I think one of the reasons it is slow is because so many people are accessing the site and pages need to be cached on their computers. People who updated vBulletin v3 to v4 had the same problem. I think it will improve over time.

    Personally speaking, I don't think this forum is designed to replace your favorite forums. I tend to read the track section on bimmerforums. I know others like bimmerfest. Each forum has it's own culture. And even sections on a forum vary from section to section.

    I don't miss profiles and avatars as much as I miss a signature.

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    "Personally speaking, I don't think this forum is designed to replace your favorite forums. I tend to read the track section on bimmerforums. I know others like bimmerfest. Each forum has it's own culture. And even sections on a forum vary from section to section."

    I never really thought of this as a replacement to other forums, more of a companion. I know that I wasn't the most active on the old forum but I did like popping in every now and then to see what people are up to and offer an occasional contribution. Honestly, I'll likely stop coming here completely if the forum software isn't changed to something more user-friendly.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,505
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    This "forum" is reminiscent of the original Roadfly board, something I was not a fan of.
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    Post Count: 83
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    The new website and forums - OMG

    Before going any further, let me say that this website is obviously still a work in progress. There is an enormous amount of work yet to be done. Surely, what we see now is just the tip of the iceberg. . . . right ?

    With that in mind, let me thank those responsible in advance for their hard work and effort.

    There are several parts of the new design that should be very well received . but . several others really need some help.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Member galleries: ? ? ?

    Member Profiles: holy cow ! . . . What happened?

    Member Forum Thread History: ? ? ?

    Member Database: ? ? ?

    Member PMs: ? ? ?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Website performance: Ex-Lax may be in order ... or maybe just vitamins. Slow-wwwwwww and unstable. Crashes. Back out of NEWS and you get a syntax error.

    Automatic Log-Out: Really? Right in the middle of writing a forum message? Not so much as a "here you go", "kiss my foot" or "bye-bye". Gee thanks! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Or, was that an anomaly ??

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    OktoberFest link: What happened to logic here? By clicking on the home page link, you go to a little advertising page where it looks like the only thing you can do is register. No other meaningful information. You first have to click on Register (even if you are not ready to register at that time) and then you must know instinctively to click on the O'Fest logo - again - in order to access the actual O'Fest site. Or, one can go to it via these forums and look for this link: To learn more about O’Fest, please visit www.bmwccaofest.org Why in the world don't they have this statement in the direct home page link? Are they actually ashamed of OktoberFest?

    Classifieds: Would it really be so hard to make a direct link on the home page ?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Forums: . . . OMG . . in this current form, utterly drab and lifeless. A fly speck compared to the old format. Formatting is minimal, NOT intuitive and only partially works (can't even underline, won't show). No color? (where's the fun?) No signatures? Quoting? No view counts. Spell-check failed to catch several glaring typos. . . . . . . . . . . . This is 2011 - right ? ? ? . . . . . . . . . . Honestly, this is putrid. . . . . . It's insulting and worse yet, it's truly disappointing.

    Forum Archive: Will there be an effective archive of the old threads? . . . Are we really supposed to count on forums other than BMW CCA for important BMW and/or club knowledge/experience/information ?

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    There are several parts of the new design that should be very well received. If the other areas/facets can be brought up to a reasonable standard, it might be great.

    Good luck and thanks.


    03BeastCharmer wrote:

    "The club membership is about more than just the website and forum. I visit my local CCA website a lot more than the national site (except around ofest), and I regularly visit the other BMW forums, but still am happy to be a member. The local events and the discounts on parts, and the Roundel magazine are well worth the membership dues."

    I'm envious ... you apparently live in a part of the country where the local chapter actually does something (oh yea, Houston). Our local forum/s often don't really have much to offer.

    I'm glad you're a happy member. They have reached their target audience. I just think better is possible, and it never hurts to hope.
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    OktoberFest - home page link - update

    Apparently in response to my comment yesterday, regarding CCA home page O'Fest link/s, there has been a slight update to the access of the OktoberFest site. First, thanks for making some effort to correct the access logic failure.

    But . . . . .

    yesterday's comment

    dmmai wrote:

    "OktoberFest link: What happened to logic here? By clicking on the home page link, you go to a little advertising page where it looks like the only thing you can do is register. No other meaningful information. You first have to click on Register (even if you are not ready to register at that time) and then you must know instinctively to click on the O'Fest logo - again - in order to access the actual O'Fest site. Or, one can go to it via these forums and look for this link: To learn more about O’Fest, please visit www.bmwccaofest.org Why in the world don't they have this statement in the direct home page link? Are they actually ashamed of OktoberFest? "

    What was their update today?

    They added the director sentence to the forum title... you know the forum thread where the sentence already existed. They haven't done anything where it actually matters.

    Evidence continues to mount suggesting that logic is an unfamiliar concept here. Maybe, after the Holiday weekend, there will be clearer heads at work.

    . . . . oh, give us strength . . . . . . . . .

    ViolinARC guest

    Post Count: 178
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    New format is a "fail" IMO...

    The forum is supposed to be a place where members can get together to discuss the issues that "pop" up on our bimmers, which seems to have been forgotten since NOTHING from the old forums has been transferred to this new, questionalble format. Coming from Bf.c, which is the most active forum I've ever experienced, this forum's format is SLOW, cumbersome and as the OP pointed out...EMPTY!!

    I have offered to help make the transfers so we'll see if anyone responds to "WE" the Members...who keep the club alive.

    I personally haven't been able to afford any of the offered local events so the forum is definitely important to members like me IMHO...any responses from the membership who use the forum for actual DIY??

    Thanks for reading and responding...

    345861 guest

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    Nope. I've cleared all browsing data, history and the cache. Still takes 20-30 sec to login. And I'm using the fairly lightweight, no BS Google Chrome on a Mac.
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