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Is my auxiliary fan hyperactive or just doing its job?

Discussion in 'E46 M3 (2001-2006)' started by 279767, Dec 12, 2011.

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    I am trying to figure out if this is a "normal" vehicle function. My car is a '02 M3 with ~ 94k miles.

    1. The car would start in the morning - Auxiliary fan off.

    2. Coolant and oil warm up normally. Under stop n go traffic on a 50F day (AC off), the coolant temperature stays consistently in the 80C to 85C range. The pusher fan would start running at some point and stay on until I kill the engine.

    My mech replaced the thermostat and flushed the coolant. The GT1 confirms the onboard OBDII reading of 80C - 85C operating range. If I remember correctly, the fan switch doesn't turn on the fan until coolant temperature reaches 92C. Am I describing a normal vehicle function, or there's something wrong with the cooling system? Thanks in advance for your help!


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