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iPod on 2008 e91 -- won't stay on random

Discussion in 'E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006-2011)' started by faux a4, Mar 16, 2008.

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    faux a4

    Post Count: 6
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    After selecting random (or shuffle, as Apple calls it), once I turn the car off it will not be on random the next time I start the car. It does this now, since I removed the iPod to use out of the car. I have in the past, somehow (I dunno how, though) gotten it to always stay on random.


    Jonathan Spira guest

    Post Count: 343
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    I'm not sure if you mean the "random" function you can activate when you click in the iDrive when a track is playing but there is no way (and hasn't been a way) to keep settings like this active for the next session.

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