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instrument cluster die on me

Discussion in 'E46 (1999-2006)' started by pablo330i, Jan 11, 2019.

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    hi everyone, im new to posting here.
    ive got a 2002 e46 330i, i just finish changing my spark plugs and ignition coils. when i turn my car on the gauges on the instrument cluster did not work. the back light of the instrument cluster is working and the airbag light works as well just not the gauges.
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    First need to check your fuse power to the cluster and also the grounds. If everything is ok with those I would remove the cluster and leave it unplugged overnight to do a reset to the electronics. If that doesn't work something internal in the cluster may have gone wrong and would require circuit testing.
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    Thank you for the information, I will remove my cluster now and let it sit the night and see how it goes.

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