I have had a BMWCCA membership for over a year so am eligible for a rebate. However, if I want to put the vehicle lease all in my wife's name can I add her now as an associate account for the $10 and have only her name on all the purchase/lease documents, title, registration, etc and shave her fill out the rebate form and be eligible? I know it says Associate members are eligible for the same benefits as the primary member but didn't know if this is a grey area where a recently added Associate member (within a month) could apply for the rebate even though they have not been an Associate member for the one year minimum. They are merely piggybacking the existing BMWCCA membership. Hope i explained it well. Does anyone know the answer or where I can get it? thanks
Your associate's join date will be the date she joins. Not your join date. So, no. She would not be eligible for the membership reward rebate until she has been a member for 12 months.
Got it. Thanks for the quick answer too. I will probably add her to at least get the clock ticking as an associate. It looks like the only other option if I want to get a vehicle now and get the rebate would be if I co-sign for the vehicle. According to the application if we both reside in the same household (we do) and all docs must contain my name and signature. It says only one submission will be honored. The only reason I want to put her name on the lease is to keep her credit good. We don't carry much debt so I like to put some kind of finance in each of our names every few years to keep the scores high. So would I be able to accomplish this by putting the lease in her name and just having me be a co-signer? I haven't done a lease in over a decade so wasn't sure how dealer should write up the purchase order, lease agreement, etc. Worse case if too complicated I will just put it in my name and be done with it and add her as associate for her next one. Thoughts?